Surprise Trip

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 113:
"Aria, come with me." I hear Ezra call from downstairs.
"Okay, hang on. I just need to finish putting my hair up." I yell. I quickly finish pinning my bun and run downstairs to see Ezra holding out a pair of shoes.
"Put these on, we need to go." He says.
"Okay? Where are we going?" I ask.
"It's a surprise!" He chuckles.


We drive for what feels like forever before Ezra hands me a blindfold and tells me to put it on. I giggle but agree. Covering my eyes so all I can see is black, I begin to wonder where we're going. "Can I have a clue?" I ask hopefully.
"You probably went there as a kid." He chuckles.
"Well that's not helpful!" I laugh. He then puts the radio on and I begin to bob along to the tune.

After another ten minutes, I hear the car engine slow down and Ezra unbuckles his seat belt and gets out of the car. He then opens up my door, unplugs my seatbelt and grabs my hand, guiding me out of the car.


I begin to smell what appears to be churros and hear loud voices all around me yet I still have no idea where I am. I tightly grab hold of Ezra's hand as he continues to guide me around until we come to a stop. "We made it." He says eagerly.
"Can I take the blindfold off now?" I ask as I begin to get impatient.
"I'll do it." He replies, slowly removing the blindfold from my eyes.
"A fayre!" I squeal.


Hi guys, long time no see. From the bottom of my heart, I am so deeply sorry for not updating for so long. This past year has been a roller coaster for me. I've decided I want to open up about the reasons for my absence as brief as possible (feel free to ask questions as I'm open to talk about it in detail)... Taking it back to January 2016 when I first began to be inconsistent... My dad was rushed to hospital and was unexpectedly diagnosed with cancer. He quickly began chemo which was helping. Then in August, my dad went to hospital and was there for about 5-6 weeks. He then came home but quickly went downhill and was then diagnosed terminally ill and soon died in early October. I've spent so many months grieving and had no inspiration to write. I've wanted to write so, so, so badly but just couldn't. I then lost my best friend (she decided to not be friends with me which really hurt) so I had to cope with that mess when I was in a fragile state already. I just completed my GCSEs so spent an awful lot of time revising for those too but now I'm back and inspired!

EZRIA ARE FINALLY MARRIED YAY! I saw theories about Spencer having a twin but I didn't really like the idea as I wanted it to be a character with development and not some character we had never met but I'm warming up to the idea of Alex Drake but it's still weird. Also Wren?!? But Jenna to be the one realising Alex was Spencer I can't! I loved it! And Aria not being able to have kids 😭😭😭, Emison engaged and Hanna pregnant yay! And the ending which the high school girls oh my gosh! Mona being Mona with Alex and Mary in France too! Overall I loved it but now I'm really sad.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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