A Talk Over Toast

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 23:

I head downstairs to get breakfast. What to eat, what to eat? I'll just have some cheese on toast because it's simple. I get the bread, cheese and butter out and place the bread in the toaster. I start to dance around the kitchen as I wait for the toast to pop up. I suddenly hear my mum coming down the stairs so I quickly stop. "Hey mum!" I say as I hear the pop of the toaster.

"Hi honey. How are you feeling?" She asks. I'm guessing she's talking about the baby.

"Fine. I did throw up earlier but I'm fine now. I'm just having breakfast now and then I'm gonna head to school. Can Spencer, Hanna and Emily come over tonight?" I ask.

"Sure. Are you going to tell them about the whole..." She says as she waves her arms around, pointing towards my stomach.

"Yeah I'll tell them when they come over. I still don't know how to tell Dad. I'm putting it off as long as I can but I can't keep this from him. I need to tell him. I need him to help and support me. But I know that he'll be so mad and yell at me and I'm scared that it might turn violent." I say worried.

"Why don't we think of a way to tell him tonight with your friends. I'm sure together we can help you work out how to tell him. I would tell him myself so you don't have the pressure of telling him but it's not my secret to tell and if I was in his position, I would want to hear the news from you." She tells me.

"Okay. Well I better finish making my breakfast and eat it because if I don't hurry up then I'll be late to school." I say as I butter my toast.

"Okay sweetie. I'll talk to you later on. Have a good day at school." She says as she leaves to go to work.

I finish making my breakfast and eat it then grab my bag and head to school. Yay for a day filled with boring teachers! Not.










Hey guys :)

Sorry I haven't updated, I've been busy with A LOT of schoolwork and other things. I got an iPhone the other day so I had to copy all of One Mistake onto it which took forever but now I can write fanfic and know when I've spelt something wrong and can correct it easily. I want to write more often and post more because I love this fan-fiction so much and it's my baby. I will try and write everyday but I'm not making any promises.

I hope you've enjoyed One Mistake so far and will continue to xxx

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