What Am I Going To Do?

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 35:
Okay. So. I'm running away. Away from this hell hole. Away from all my problems. Well most of them. I just look down at my belly. My sweet innocent baby. What will I do with her. I can feel that my baby is a girl. I just know it. I can't ruin her life but she'll ruin mine. I can't end her life by abortion and I'm against it but I can't give her up for adoption. I don't want her to have the ever wonder of "Who are my parents? Why did they abandon me?" I just can't. I have to look after her. How will I though?

All I have is my wallet on me. I don't even have my phone. That's good I guess though because I can't be found. I can't be contacted. I'm free from my world. I have to get as far away as possible though, to really escape. I need time to myself. Maybe I could go off somewhere like to my dream, New York City. I could get a job at a cafe and get a small place, a very small place for myself and my baby and all of my money will go towards her, or him of course if they do turn out to be a boy because it's a 50:50 chance. And when I'm ready, I can go home, although that might not be for a while. I have savings in my bank account that should help me and hopefully my parents will notice money disappearing and hopefully put money in, at least I hope so. My dad might be so mad that he'll freeze the account. I hope not. I need this money. What am I going to do about Ezra though? I can't just leave him to suffer but I can't have him with me. I need to be alone. Maybe I can just contact him and let him know that I'm safe but I can't tell him where I am. I'll contact him when I'm in New York. I can't before though because he'll try and find me. I can't have that happen.

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