Looking Deeper

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 14:

As I get home, I call Mum and ask her whether she and Dad are doing anything tonight because me and Ezra want to take them out for dinner and of course she says that they are free to go out with us. I walk into the house and put my keys on the side then go upstairs. I run into my room and dive onto my bed and start crying because it's just hit me that I'm going to be a teen mum. How am I going to do this? I can't be a teen mum. I just can't. I can barely look after myself, yet alone another human being.


Once I've finished my breakdown crying session, I decide to read into teen pregnancy. So far I've found out a load of stuff about dates like when my baby will be able to breathe, when they will have fingernails and toenails and when they can hear. It's kind of interesting actually. I've also found out that I can sign up for this Medicaid program which could help me with financial support. It wouldn't help that much but it's a start. I might be able to get a job for now to help save money for the baby. Now I just need to try and find a job. I guess I could get a job at the grill because it's near school so I could go and work there after school and do my homework there after my shift. I'll head down there tomorrow probably to see if there's any jobs available because I better look now whilst I can.

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