Pregnant Or Not Pregnant

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 11:

We walk back into the waiting area and sit down. I lean on Ezra's shoulder and close my eyes. I wake up to my name being called, "Montgomery?" the assistant calls out. "Aria, it's time to go in. Stay calm, just remember that I'm here for you." Ezra says, nudging me to wake up. I glance at the clock and see that it's 10:22am, oh I only slept for not even half an hour. The doctor must be running late by the looks of it. I stand up and grab onto Ezra's hand with all my strength then slowly follow the assistant into the room of what seems like doom.

We enter the room and I see the doctor, a middle-aged woman. "Hello, I'm Doctor Alex Reed, you must be Aria Montgomery." she says in a sweet, calm voice. Surprisingly, she's making me feel calmer. I don't know how though. It must be part of her nature. "Yes, I'm Aria and this is..." I point to Ezra and before I get the chance to say his name, he butts in: "Ezra Fitz. It's a pleasure to meet you." he says, shaking the doctors hand. "You too." she replies back, "So what I can see from my notes, you think you may be pregnant and what a doctors test. Is that correct?" she asks me.

"Errrr... I think so." I say nervously

"Okay, well I will need you to pee into a cup and hand it back to me. The bathroom is to the left." she says whilst pointing to the toilet which I've already encountered. I walk out of the room and go into a stall and grab the bottle of water that is in my bag. I gulp the water down then need the toilet so I pee carefully into the cup, trying not to shake it. I then flush the toilet, unlock the door and place the cup and my bag on the side so I can wash my hands. I quietly leave the bathroom and walk back into the room to see Ezra walking around impatiently. "Oh good, you're back." he says giving me a hug.

"Now I will take the cup around to the back and test it to see if you are pregnant. You can stay in here and I should be back in no longer than 20 minutes." Dr. Reed says as she walk out of the room.

"I'm so nervous Ezra. I can't do this. I'm too afraid that she will come back and tell us that I'm pregnant." I tell Ezra and run into his arms crying.

"Shhhhhhhh Aria, shhhhhhh, everything will be okay. I promise. Just trust me." Ezra replies to me, kissing my head. Ezra pulls me to the sofa and I sit on him, leaning on his shoulder and close my eyes. Within no time, the doctor comes back in. "Okay, I have the results." she says.

"And?" me and Ezra say together as I sit up, "Congratulations, you are pregnant." she says simply. Oh. My. God. I burst into tears. "You are 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant, according to the date you conceived, March 12th so your due date is December 3rd. 7 weeks is far enough along to hear a heartbeat and to see your baby which is the size of a chick pea at the moment. I can set the machine up now so you can have an ultrasound. You just need to lie on the chair." she says, pointing to the chair.

"Okay." I say with a sniffle. I sit on the chair and she pulls my sweater up to put the gel on my belly. "Would you like to put the gel on Aria's tummy?" she asks Ezra, "Errrrr okay. Sure." he replies. Ezra places some gel on my tummy then Alex places the stick on the gel. She begins to move it around then starts to smile. "Look Aria, that's your baby." she says, pointing to the screen. I begin to tear up. "And if you listen carefully, you should be able to hear a heartbeat." she continues. I become silent and quickly hear the babies heartbeat and begin to cry even more. "Ezra, this is our baby, our baby!" I say.

"Our precious baby. See, I told you, he or she is our gift. This baby isn't a mistake, they are a gift." he says tearing up. Alex turns the monitor off then cleans the gel off of my tummy then prints out the pictures. "Here you go." she says, "In about 9 weeks you can come back and find out the gender. If you need anything before that, you can call me." she says handing me a small business like card. "If you need any kind of support or help through this pregnancy, I have leaflets here about teen pregnancy that can help you decide on what you want to do but from I can see here, you two will make great parents and I wish you the best of luck. I can't wait to see you soon." she says as she gives me a hug and shakes Ezra's hand. She then hands me some leaflets about teen pregnancy and pregnancy in general.

"Thank you so much." I say. I grab Ezra's hand then we leave the doctors.

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