Loosing It?

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 41:
So many mixed emotions fill the air. I can't seriously be falling for a guy that I've known for like I don't know, 20 minutes, an hour maybe. It's got to be these stupid hormones hasn't it. It has to be. Please be. I can't be falling for a guy when I have a boyfriend back home who I love and who I'm having a baby with. Oh dear lord this is getting out of hand. I'm so confused. I can't even remember what I've exactly told Sebastian. All this stress and worry that is squashed together in my jumble of a so called brain is getting to me. I don't know what's real and what's fake, except for the obvious of course. I don't remember. I feel like I have amnesia. I've lost it.

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