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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 112:
After the two hour car journey home, we finally get back to my parents house and let ourselves in. It's quite late so we quietly bring our stuff in and take it upstairs to my room and get ready for bed before dozing off soon after.


I wake up to the sound of my door creeping open as seen my mum's head peaking through the door. "Hi Mum." I whisper before getting up to greet her with a hug.
"Hi honey. What time did you get back last night?" She whispers.
"About 10:30-11 maybe." I reply in my sleepy daze.
"Why don't you come downstairs and we can have breakfast together and leave Ezra to sleep for a bit." She suggests. I nod my head before following her along the landing to the stairs.

"So how was New York?!" Ella asks.
"Amazing! It was so nice to see Sebastian and Kara again! We went to the park and told them the gender - that was interesting to say the least." I chuckle, "We also went out to eat and to some museums; saw the Statue of Liberty; went up the Empire State Building and took pictures of the city; took photos of Ezra and myself and of course the bump and then we looked at cute baby stuff! I loved every moment, we must go back soon before the baby is born!" I recall with great enthusiasm and a gleam in my eyes as I wake up with my cup of milk that I'm sipping in between sentences.
"That seems nice. Did you get any shopping done?" She asks intrigued.
"A little bit, not much though as we were quite busy. I did get one or two baby outfits as they were too cute to resist and a couple of dresses that are flowy and breezy so that they fit my growing bump ." I say with a giggle. I then proceed to lift up my shirt. "He's starting to poke out more but it still sort of looks like I've just gained weight." I continue.
Ella then touches my stomach and smiles. "Before you know it, you'll be out here." She says as she moves her hands and holds them in front of my belly.
"I know." I say with a giggle. "I'm 20 weeks tomorrow, it's crazy how fast it's gone so far! Can we go shopping for some things soon?" I ask her.
"Of course! I'm going to spoil him rotten! Have you got any baby names yet?" She asks me.
"Well, I have a couple. We've discussed it a bit. I really like-" I say before hearing Ezra walk down the stairs and see his messy hair and his unshaven face with a grey v-neck and grey and red tartan bottoms. Damn he looks hot. I just want to jump on him right now. Instead though, I get up from my seat and kiss him before hugging him and holding his hand, bringing him to sit down at the table with my mum and I. I then get him a fresh cup of coffee in his favourite mug (the one I bought him of course) and place it down for him.
"There we go, baby." I say as I kiss him again.
"Thank you." He says as he kisses me back but more passionately this time, "So, what have you been talking about and how are you, Ella? Oh before I forget, Aria and myself got you and Byron a gift whilst we were in the city." He continues.
"Oh thank you, you didn't have to do that. I'm good thank you. We've just been catching up. How was New York?" Ella asks him.
"Amazing, thank you. It was a lovely time away from everything. Now that we're back, we need to focus on sorting out our living situation as before we know it, he will be here." Ezra says as he tickles my tummy and I giggle.
"... And childbirth classes." I add.
"I know some places around here that have baby classes for you two. When's your next appointment?" Mum asks.
"Monday I think." I say.
"Tuesday, baby." Ezra corrects.
"Oh yeah... Oops - pregnancy brain." I reply with a giggle.
We then continue talking for a bit before putting everything in the dishwasher and going back upstairs to get ready for the day. I wonder what we'll do today.


I wrote this like a week ago as soon as I wrote the last chapter oops but forgot to post it - at least I was adding to it throughout the week so it's a nice long one. Enjoy :)

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