The Beginning Of The Plan

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 71:
We tuck into the delicious food that my mum made and begin to talk about the baby.
"So... The baby plan..." I start to say.
"Aria and I have decided 100% that we are keeping him or her and I hope you support us on this decision. I know that this will be an interesting, hard journey with many bumps in the road but I know that we can do this." Ezra says.
"I will support whatever you decide. You two are very mature and sensible... Sort of. I just can't wait to be a grandmother!" Ella says, smiling and slightly laughing at the mature remark, also getting a bit excited.
"Well okay then, overall it is up to you." Byron says, beginning to dig into some bacon, then continuing. "I don't want to push anything on you guys but parenthood is a lot harder than it looks. I do however believe in you two. I will love this baby with all my heart." He says.
"Awww Daddy." I say as I begin to tear up. It is such a relief to know that he supports my decision, even if deep down he is sad, and scared.

"Okay, one thing we need to sort out is where the baby will live. Will Aria stay here with the baby and with you Ezra still at your apartment or will you come and live here, or, will you two be living together at your apartment or somewhere else?" Ella asks, getting more serious.
"Well, we haven't worked that out yet. I think personally that it would be best for us to be together so that Aria won't have to look after the baby at night on her own. I think, money wise, it would be best if possibly we could live together here and I could sell my apartment so that the money can help support the baby and maybe go into a future fund towards a place of our own at some point once we are financially stable. If however you would like a different living plan, we could discuss something else. Aria and I haven't even thought this through yet so there is no set plan." Ezra says.
"I agree with Ezra, I think it would be best to live together for the baby. We could maybe turn the spare room into a room for the baby so that he or she could have her own room?" I reply back.
"That seems reasonable. It would be much better for you to stay together. If you both live here then that means that you can have more help. This will not mean 'hotel mum and dad' though, Byron and I would have to discuss separately a living plan for you to both stay here. Maybe you could chip in some money for the groceries and essentials needed for the baby. We can discuss this later though as we don't need to work everything out today." Ella says.


I'M BACK!!!!! Sorry that I haven't posted in about 3 weeks, I was taking a break and it was so nice not having to stress out about updating. I've been wanting to update for ages because I hate not updating but I needed some time to myself to think things through and try and sort out my life. I also had no inspiration to write so I didn't want to post something rubbish. I was just trying to go to sleep then BOOM, I suddenly wanted to write, so here I am now.

I haven't really done much over the Easter holidays other than oovoo my friends every day until nearly 3am opps. I'm talking to Connor but I still really like him so I feel slightly awkward still. I'm trying to get over him and the holidays have really helped me relax and my friends have helped SO much. I seriously don't know what I would do without them. We may not live nearby (different countries, even actually continents), but they truly are my best friends. I can trust them with anything and they are always here for me. One of them bugged Connor so much on Facebook (after he finally accepted her request cuz I told him that she wanted to be friends with him on Facebook for "some reason") that he made an oovoo account so I talk to him on oovoo sometimes with them too. Most of my friends (all except one) have met him and can't hate him because he is just so nice and funny ughhhhh 😂😂😂

I NEED TO STOP TALKING AND THINKING ABOUT HIM!!!!!!!!! Anyway, two of my friends are doing a swap with me and it's so fun to buy stuff for them and I can't wait to do more once I get more money - I need a job! I might start babysitting soon though 😁

I need to get off my phone so goodnight (or good morning) guys xxx I love you all so much and thank you for all of your comments, they always make me smile. Thank you for supporting me and loving this story! You guys mean the world to me! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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