Big Delivery

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 103:
We begin to paint the walls and muck about by writing words and drawing with the paint before actually painting properly. The walls were originally white so thankfully it isn't that hard to paint over.

It takes a few hours, but we finally finish painting it all and it looks so nice! I can't wait until it is dry so we can put wall decals up! As seems as it's lunch time, we decide to take a well deserved break and eat something. We all make sandwiches and sit and talk about our summer plans and what we've done so far, when suddenly the doorbell goes. I'm so shocked by it, that it makes me jump and hysterically laugh. I get up and answer it and get excited when I realise it's the BabiesRUs order. We direct the men in and they place everything in the living room since it can't go upstairs yet. Once they're done, I tip them for being so kind and officiant and then we begin to gaze around at all of the stuff. It didn't feel like a lot at the time when ordering it, but in reality it is as it is just so big!
"How much stuff did you order?!" Hanna laughs.
"I didn't think it was that much okay!" I say as I can't stop laughing, "There's still so much we need though which is insane!" I continue.
"Well we better continue sorting the room out before anymore turns up!" Spencer says with a laugh. We then head back upstairs after finishing our food and plan out the DIYs.

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