That Sick Feeling

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 10:

We soon arrive at the appointment and walk in. I sign in and me and Ezra sit down in the waiting area. I suddenly get a sick feeling in my stomach and run to the bathroom. Ezra runs after me. "Aria!" he shouts. I just ignore him and throw up in the toilet. "Aria, baby, what's wrong?" he asks worried.

"I... I.... I don't know. I think I am pregnant, I've got all of the symptoms Ezra. I can't be pregnant. I just can't." I say crying. I walk out of the stall and go to the sink. Ezra grabs a paper towel and wipes my mouth. "It's alright Aria. Everything will be okay. If you really are pregnant, we can get through this. You can still go to school. We can make this work. But before we discuss anything, we need to find out for sure first. Let's go back to the waiting area. Okay?" he asks, "Okay." I say softly.

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