Cԋαρƚҽɾ Tɯҽʅʋҽ

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𝑶𝒏 𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒚

"Such a sweet scent, its really intoxicating...."

Wang Yibo said, inching closer to his scent gland.

"Ple... please, leave me a..alone..." Xiao Zhan cried.

"Baby, you gotta be kidding me. Why else would I marry you if not for this? Huh?"

Wang Yibo kissed his scent gland and kicked it. Xiao Zhan wept for he had no other choice but to submit. But still he pleaded.

"Please.. Let go of m...me..."

"Obviously I am going to let go of you once I get a good taste and tired of your body. You are not worthy of anything else and I don't like to keep used things, forever with me!"

"Nooo....!" Xiao Zhan screamed, waking up from his nightmare and gasped for air.

Xiao Zhan looked around his room, looking for a sign of Wang Yibo. He finally breathed a sigh of relief once he made sure that he was in his room and there was no Yibo here.

Xiao Zhan took a sip of water and rested his head on the bed rest, thinking back on his nightmare.

'I am going to let go of you once I get a good taste and tired of your body. You are not worthy of anything else and I don't like to keep used things, forever with me!'

Xiao Zhan could not make out why but he fejt a sudden pain just thinking of it. What if it really happens? What if Wang Yibo throw him out once he got tired of his body? What if Wang Yibo used him only for his pleasure and treated him as a piece of shit? What if...

Tears drooled all over his face.

So what if Wang Yibo really do such things? It's not his fault. He had already compensated his family. Wang Yibo will not be the one to be blamed if he did throw Zhan out. It should be Zhan's fault for being so helpless and unfortunate.

Xiao Zhan looked at the time to realize that it was past mid night and must sleep now, not staying up late.

Xiao Zhan could not wake up the next morning from his bed and felt a throbbing pain on his head. His head felt heavy and his body was weak all over. Xiao Zhan did not know why he was feeling like this all of a sudden. He reached his hand out for the water bottle on the bedside table only to find it empty.

Xiao Zhan closed his eyes, trying to soothe his headache. He felt very thirsty and wanted to some water. Xiao Zhan called out to his sister but realized that with how low he sounded, his sister wouldn't have heard him.

Lifting his head up a little, Xiao Zhan searched for his phone and luckily he found it right beside him. He rang Jiang Yanli and waited patiently until she picked up his call.

"A-Zhan, what's up? Why are you calling?"

"Shijie..." Before Zhan could even speak, he blacked out.

Xiao Zhan was just in the room next to her and there was no need to ring her. Finding it strange, Jiang Yanli went to Zhan's room only to find him lying unconscious on the bed.

When taken for a doctor, the doctor had said that he must take adequate rest for he must have been very stressed to the point he had passed out. Healthy food and adequate rest would be more than enough for him to recover soon but the most important thing was for him to not think much and stress himself unnecessarily.

Jiang Yanli was glad that her brother was alright and did not have any serious issues and with the help of Jiang Cheng, she took him back home.


Jiang Cheng was planning for a surprise party for Xiao Zhan when he got a call from an unknown number.


"Hello, this is Wang Xichen. Am I speaking to Jiang Cheng?" Those deep voice made Jiang Cheng gulp hard.

"Ye..yeah... How can I help you?"

"Well, I need a favor from you and I would be glad if you could help me with it."

"What is it?" Jiang Cheng asked confused. Hw could he be of help to the great Wang's?

"Could you please take Xiao Zhan to the XXX restaurant in the evening almost around five?"

"Ah..?" Jiang Cheng was even more puzzled.

He heard a little laughter from the other side of the phone before getting a reply,

"I asked if you could take Xiao Zhan to the..."

Jiang Cheng interrupted him.

"Yeah yeah OK... but why?"

"We have arranged something for him there. And please make sure that he does whatever the staff asks him to. Please?"

"Eh..." Jiang Cheng did not know what he should say. Xiao Zhan was ill and should be testing at home. How could he take him out?

"Xiao Zhan is not well. I don't know if Jie will let him go out."

"What's wrong with him? Is he alright?"

"He is fine now. He has been stressed so..." Jiang Cheng dragged thinking fur what exactly the doctor had said. But Wang Xichen beat him.

"I will inform Yibo about Zhan's condition."

"Then... do I not have to take him to the restaurant?"

"I will tell you after talking to Yibo."

"Oh... alright then."

"Mn.. So, how are you?"

Jiang Cheng swore that he would spat out the water if he had it in his mouth.

"I...?" Jiang Cheng asked confused.

"Yes." Wang Xichen affirmed and then went on a lovely conversation between Wang Xichen and his little crush, Jiang Cheng.


Xiao Zhan was scrolling through his phone not knowing what else to do, when he got a call. It read, 'Wang Yibo'.

Xiao Zhan sprang up, his phone flying. Why was Yibo calling him?

The phone kept on ringing and ringing but Xiao Zhan just stared at it contemplating if he should pick it up. Giving in, he was about to receive the call, when the call ended. 'Thank God!' he said to himself.

Just then, he heard a notification sound. When he checked it, he saw that Wang Yibo had sent him a voice message. Xiao Zhan clicked on it and heard Yibo's voice pierce through his ears.

He said,

'Xiao Zhan, how are you? Are you resting? Sorry for disturbing you. Please take your medicines on time and rest well. Please don't stress yourself. Once again, sorry for disturbing you. Call me when you are free. I will be waiting.'

Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes and threw away the phone. 'Wang Yibo could get an Oscar for his acting', he thought.

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