Cԋαρƚҽɾ Tɯҽɳƚყ Tԋɾҽҽ

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Following Wang Yibo's directions., Xiao Zhan finally reached downstairs. All the way, he had been admiring and complementing Yibo about the Wang mansion for it did not look like a normal home but more like a hotel. Although Zhan did not know how anyone could live here all day, he shrugged it off thinking this was everyone called as 'Luxurious life'.

When Zhan spotted Yibo at the dining table, he felt relieved for seeing a familiar face. But then, he noticed Mr. Wang and Wang Xichen waiting at the dining table. Xiao Zhan could not help but feel goosebumps all over him. He could feel fear rising in him on having none other than alphas around him.

Xiao Zhan took a step back. As much as he had wanted to come downstairs, he had not thought of this. Only now he realized that there was no omega here, only alphas! Some servants could be omega but the majority were alphas!

Xiao Zhan could not help but feel weak. The past memories came flooding in his mind and he just wanted to run away.

Zhan took another step back, trying to distance himself away from the Wang's when Yibo called out to him.


Xiao Zhan did not know but hearing Yibo's voice then made him calm down a little. But it wasn't enough. He wanted to ground himself on that voice. On Yibo's voice. But it was hard. Being surrounded by such strong alpha pheromones made him weak and Yibo's voice did not help him much either.

Xiao Zhan took another step back.

He could feel Mr. Wang's eyes on him. Wang Xichen's too. Having eyes on him made the situation worse.

"Xiao Zhan?"

May be Yibo could sense something for he kept on calling out to him.

But Xiao Zhan could not concentrate on Yibo's voice.

"I... please excuse... me..." Xiao Zhan stuttered and turned around to leave when Wang Xichen called out to him.

"Xiao Zhan, are you alright?"

Xiao Zhan stopped but did not turn. He made them face his back thinking not looking into those eyes would make him relax.

"I... I am... ok...."

"It does not...." Wang Xichen was about to say something when Wang Yibo interrupted him.

"Xiao Zhan, what's wrong?"


"Come on, let's dine." Wang Xichen said with a polite smile.

Not wanting to make the situation worse and nut wanting his condition to be known by everyone, Xiao Zhan nodded, hesitatedly.

Wang Qiren, Xichen and Yibo sat around the table. Xiao Zhan waited until all of them have settled, then slowly, not letting his guard down, staggered up to the far end of the table and sat on the very last chair. He knew this would arose suspicion but he could not help it.

Zhan could feel Qiren's eyes on him so he smiled at him nervously.

"Zhan, why are you sitting over there? Join us here."

"N...no... I...." Xiao Zhan did not know what to say. How could he tell them that...

Zhan was too much into thinking when Yibo said,

"Brother, let him be."

"Yibo...." Wang Qiren was about to say something when Wang Yibo said,

"Uncle, Zhan is new here. He must be feeling a little uncomfortable since there is no sweet scents of omegas like his home. Let's give him some time to adjust."

Although it wasn't convincing enough to Qiren he still hummed, not wanting to dig more into it. Wang Xichen nodded as if he had just realized it. So he smiled at Zhan and said,

"Xiao Zhan, this is your home now. Please feel free to make yourself comfortable."

Xiao Zhan nodded.

And then he heard Yibo tell him,

"Zhan, I have asked Wen Ning to prepare breakfast for you. It will be done in another few minutes."

"But why?" Zhan hurried. "I can..."

"We are having lunch." Yibo reminded him.

"Everything is food." Zhan reminded him.

"Breakfast is different from lunch."

"Once swallowed, there is no difference between breakfast and lunch."

"Still, it is different."

"It is same. You just cannot see the similarity."

"You have just woken up, having something light would be easily digestible."

"I still can have the lunch in a very light amount."

"There is no need for it."

"I see the need...."

"Yibo! Zhan!"

Wang Qiren, who was watching the commotion, glared. Wang Xichen just smiled hiding his face under the pretence of eating.

"S..sorry..." Xiao Zhan stuttered very ironically, forgetting how he had been arguing with Wang Yibo just few seconds ago.

"You don't have to say sorry and thank you, here." Wang Yibo told Zhan not bothering himself with his uncle.

"I do have to say. If one makes a mistake, he should say sorry." Xiao Zhan lectured Yibo.

"You did not do any mistake." Yibo reminded him.

"I made your uncle angry. Isn't that enough to ask 'sorry'?"

"Uncle is very sensitive in fuming." Wang Yibo said, which made Qiren cough hardly. 'How could his nephew back bite him in his presence?'

Wang Xichen could not control his laughter.

"That still doesn't explain why I shouldn't ask forgiveness."

Xiao Zhan asked Wang Yibo, totally forgetting about the presence of two humans around them, and totally into their own world of argument.

"Xiao Zhan, no need means no need."

"Wang Yibo, I do what I need."

"Xiao Zhan, you can do what you want except this."

"Wang Yibo, I will do everything I want including this."

"Xiao Zhan, why can't you listen to me?"

"Wang Yibo, why can't you listen to me?"


"SILENCE!" Wang Qiren yelled at the top of his voice.

Xiao Zhan flinched. Xichen wasn't expecting it and Yibo still did not care of it.

"You two....!" Qiren fumed pointing at Zhan and Yibo, "You two have your arguments inside your room. Not here!" He said, hitting on the table.

"Uncle..." Wang Xichen tried to calm his uncle down.

"I don't want to here one more word from anyone. From now on, 'No talking while eating'. Got it?"

Xiao Zhan shaked his head vigorously not wanting to anger Qiren more and kept quiet.

Wang Xichen hid his laughter while Yibo was thinking hard how to make his omega understand his point.

Soon, Wen Ning came with a tray of food and placed it over Xiao Zhan asking him to enjoy his breakfast.

Zhan nodded his head and smiled at Wen Ning as a 'thank you'.

None uttered a single word again and the rest of the time at dining table went peacefully.

'What a chaotic lunch!' Wang Qiren thought once he was done with his meal.

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