Cԋαρƚҽɾ Sҽʋҽɳƚყ Fιʋҽ

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"How is he?" Yibo asked Wen Qing, who was bandaging Zhan.

"He is fine now. He had fallen unconscious due to loss of blood. I have given him a pain killer and a sleeping pill, so he would be fine for now. But...."

"But what?" Yibo asked, panic filled in his voice.

"He had been forced into heat. His heat waves would hit him even he is unconscious."

"What?!" Yibo yelled. "Who dared to do such a thing to him? No matter who that fucker is, I will make him see the hell." Yibo gritted.

"Yibo, calm down." Xichen tried but it was all in vain.

"Doctor, is... is he alright?" Jiang Yanli questioned. "I mean, he has been... forced into a heat so..." Jiang Yanli could not get out the right words. She hoped nothing had happened to her little brother.

Wen Qing understood her meaning. So she said, "There are no traces of sex on his body. So you can be rest assured."

Wang Yibo breathed a sigh of relief but he still could not get the anger out of him.

"Yibo," Wen Qing called out, "Zhan has been injured all over. His wounds are deep as he had been cut. I have cleaned them up and bandaged them. But, since he had been drugged into hear, his heat waves will probably be very high. His body will not be able to go through this, heat alone and he will definitely need a partner. But with the current state of his body, he would not be able to have sexual intercourse. His body is drained of energy. So its your duty to use your pheromones and try your best to calm him down. I do not know if just pheromones would be okay okay him on him but you have to do your best to not worsen his body condition. Do you get it?"

Wang Yibo inhaled sharply for he already knew, that he was going to have a very hard time trying to calm his omega down. As long as Zhan would be fine, he was ready to go any extent for him. So he nodded indicating that he understood.

"And, once he recovers, take him for a whole body check up to see if he has any internal injuries. Alright?"

"Yeah, I will do it as soon as possible."

"Mn. Take care of him and give him the medicines on time. Have him eat healthy food for his body needs energy. If anything, don't hesitate to call me. I will take my leave now."

Wang Yibo and the whole family thanked Wen Qing again and again for reaching there as soon as she could and for treating Zhan's wounds. And unable to take anymore of it, Wen Qing had left, hurriedly.

"Yibo," Jiang Yanli said, "A-Zhan needs you. You have to forget all that had happened and try to take good care of him for he is on heat and you are the only one who can help him with it now. We can talk of other things later, when Zhan is fully recovered. Please..."

"I understand. Jie doesn't have to worry, I will take good care of my omega. I will not let him suffer any more."

"Thank you. Thank you so much." It was Jiang Cheng. He was really grateful.

"I'd rather kill myself than see him in pain." Yibo stated and began walking towards his room, not wanting to leave Xiao Zhan alone. He was afraid to leave him alone anymore.

Wang Xichen sighed. Although his brother showed only his anger to others, he knew that a swirl of emotions was running inside his brother. He knew that instantly just by looking at Yibo's pale face.

Wang Xichen then called out the security guard and asked, "How did Master Xiao come here?"

"He was brought on a van. There were some men in. They threw him off and drive as fast as they could."

"Van?" Xue Yang asked.


"Do you remember the number plate?" Xichen asked next.

"I am sorry, sir. I was too shocked to see Master Xiao that I couldn't notice things. I am really sorry."

Wang Xichen sighed. "alright, you can get back to your work." Xichen waved off.


Wang Yibo entered his room and closed the fire behind him, slumping down on the floor. He could no longer hide his tears. He sobbed in silence as he sat on the edge of the bed with his face buried in his hands. He began to hiccup while his tears fell continuously like a steady rain. He tears of sorrow were soaking the tissue as he clung to it to try to stop the flow. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, his tears due to sorrow leaving a trail of moisture on his skin.

He just could not control it anymore. He had failed his Xiao Zhan! He had failed his omega! He had unable to protect his omega as he had promised him. His Xiao Zhan had trusted him with himself but he had not been able to keep up with it.

Wang Yibo felt terrible. His heart felt broken. For once in his life, he was happy that he was blind. If had seen Zhan with all his injuries and blood, he would have never forgiven himself.

Wang Yibo did not know how long he had stayed there, crying his heart out and only got back to his senses when he heard a knock on the door. He soon wiped away his tears, got on his heels and opened the door.

"Yibo." It was Jiang Yanli.


"Is Zhan still asleep?" She questioned.

"Uh... Yeah..." His voice felt hoarse from all crying.

"Then, come downstairs. Let's have dinner."

"I... I am not hungry." Yibo replied shortly.

"You still have to eat." Yanli said sternly.


"Yibo, A-Zhan, would not want to see you like this when he wakes up. So please, come downstairs and have your dinner. For him."

"No I..."

"Shall I bring you the dinner here then?" Jiang Yanli asked not listening to Yibo's arguments.

"Alright. Thank you."

"I'll be back soon."

With that, he was left alone once again but not for very long. His phone rang.

"Hello." He said weakly. He was too tired for any sort of conversation.

"Second Master Wang, could you please come downstairs at once? I have solid evidence against Master Xiao's kidnappers!"

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