Cԋαρƚҽɾ Tɯҽɳƚყ

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Hearing Yibo's confession, Zhan, unknowing to him, clutched Yibo's hand tighter as if not wanting to let go.

This was the first time he had heard such a sincere confession. No one had ever told him 'I love you. And I promise to take care of you from now on and forever.'

Xiao Zhan felt so weak. Yibo's words were too much for him. He had never expected anyone to tell him those words. Although Xiao Zhan was an omega filled with dreams and had always wished to hear these exact words from his alpha, right then, he wasn't sure if his very own alpha that he had chosen by himself could sound so sincere. Wang Yibo's words touched him on the places where he never thought would be touched.

Xiao Zhan held Wang Yibo's hand tighter. As much as he hated to accept it, at that moment, he was afraid to let go of Yibo's hand. He was afraid that if he let go of him, Yibo would go back on his words. Xiao Zhan did not want that to happen. Even if he hated and loathed Yibo to the core, Xiao Zhan just wanted to dwell on this moment as long as he could. He no longer cared if Yibo had said those words just for the tradition or if he had really meant it, but whatever the reason was, Xiao Zhan just wanted to last this moment forever.

He held Wang Yibo's hand tighter not caring how Yibo would take it.


Wang Yibo could sense some sort of change on Xiao Zhan after he had heard his confession. The scent of Xiao Zhan kept on changing rapidly as if Xiao Zhan was struggling emotionally. Wang Yibo knew that Zhan indeed was struggling emotionally with how hard he had grasped Yibo.

Wang Yibo could not explain the flutter of his heart since the moment Zhan had held onto him. He knew Zhan still hated him but was moved by his words. 'If my words could touch you so much, I am sure there would be no doubt in you falling in love with me way sooner.'

Wang Yibo swore to himself that he would always keep his promise in protecting and taking care of Zhan as long as he breathed his last.

Wang Yibo held Zhan's hand tighter hoping it would assure Zhan for now.


The wedding banquet went so well and every one of their family and friends were present. They were so delighted for the newly wedded couple and keot on congratulating them.

What surprised Wang Xichen, Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli was that, up till now, Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan still clasped their hands with each other and hand not let go of it. Wang Xichen could not word out his surprise by this action of Zhan who hated Yibo very much. Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli was surprised how fast Xiao Zhan had been in falling in love with Wang Yibo though he wouldn't accept it.

Each of them, smiled to themselves happy for their brothers.


"Zhan xiong... I really envy you....!" Nie Huisabg came to him, half drunk.

Xiao Zhan held him to stand straight, still not taking his other hand away from Yibo.

"Nie Huisang, why did you get drunk again?!" Xiao Zhan scolded.

"How else could I let out my problems?"

"What is your problem?" Xiao Zhan asked.

"I have so many problems but now, the very most important problem is.... I envy you so much!"

"Me?! What for?" Xiao Zhan asked surprised for he had got nothing to be proud of.

"Huh? You don't know?" Huisang cried, "Look at the rich, handsome alpha beside you. What else do you want?"

"Huh...?!" Xiao Zhan was puzzled.

"To top it all, look at the wedding, how grand and beautiful.... Its all that an omega could dream of...!"

Xiao Zhan was even more confused and looked around.

His eyes widened! His breath hitched!

Xiao Zhan whipped his head around everywhere. Was he even seeing things?

Xiao Zhan finally landed his eyes on Yibo.

"Did you..." Xiao Zhan stopped. What was he doing? He cannot be fooled by Yibo so soon. Xiao Zhan looked at their clasped hands and then at Yibo again. Was Yibo fooling him or was he fooling himself?

Xiao Zhan turned back to Nie Huisang saying as of he was hinting Yibo,

"It is surely beautiful! Just what.... What I wanted! I... I never thought my dre... wishes can get real someday!"

"Exactly.... You really...." Nie Huisang went on blabbering but Xiao Zhan was no longer paying his attention on him.

Xiao Zhan looked at Wang Yibo who stood by him and still had not let go of his hand and was quietly following him everywhere he was dragging him to.

Xiao Zhan thought back on Yibo and his words and unknowing to him, a tear slipped down his face.

"Who gave you this decoration idea?" Xiao Zhan asked Wang Yibo.

Wang Yibo narrowed his eyes as if figuring out Xiao Zhan was speaking to him.

"Yeah, I spoke to you, Second Master Wang."

"I read it somewhere." Yibo replied.

"Where?" Xiao Zhan asked next. He did remember writing out all his dreams and imaginations somewhere but where? And when?

Wang Yibo, as if not hearing Zhan, ignored him and just smiled.

Looking at Yibo's smile, Xiao Zhan knew he wouldn't say who was the person so he asked next,

"From where did you choose this theme color?"

"Is it nice?" Yibo asked not replying to his question.

"It's...." Xiao Zhan paused and thought in his mind, 'It is more than beautiful. The color and the decoration is breath taking. It's just so....' Zhan did not know a word to tell he how he felt right now. But no! He was not going to tell anything to Wang Yibo.

He cannot not give in so easily!

So Xiao Zhan said, "It's nice." and turned around to leave, not wanting to continue the conversation. But Wang Yibo held him and stopped him. He asked,

"Do you like it?"

Xiao Zhan wanted to cry saying, 'I love it' but instead he said,

"Just like other weddings. Nothing special to like."

Xiao Zhan clearly saw the way how Yibo's expression changed rapidly and almost smiled at how silly Wang Yibo had looked then!

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