A Sudden Perspective

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Okay... So, this is the first time I'm doing this and may be the last. I don't know. Granny Hisa said it may be good to have an outlet to express your real feelings, but it seems like a really bad idea to jot down even a single negative thing. It's like your begging to have your words come back and bite you in behind one day. Plus, if anything, I'd rather keep a "mental journal" but I promised to give it a try so... Well, it's not like I can do both. Like I said, there are some things that shouldn't be written down.

So I guess I should start with an introduction. Don't really know why if both journals are for myself, but it seems like the standard now.

My name is Hiroko. I like a lot of things really and don't really dislike much. I like reading superhero stuff like Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, Hulk...

You know, I just found out that my brother's first exposure to Spider-Man was from a manga made in the 1970s. Spider-Man: The Manga, but the only Spider-Man thing about it was the costume and web-shooters. The Spider-Man there hardly puts the costume on till the end of the story and he's bulletproof. Yu Komori is that universe's Spider-Man. I don't mind different people being Spider-Man; I mean there are a bunch of great other Spider-Men like Miguel O'Hara, Ben Reilly, Miles Morales, etc. I don't maybe my issue is just how miserable his life is. He makes Peter Parker's life seem like it's the best one in comparison.

Oi, I got off track already. That manga really does that to me... Anyway, like I said, I have a brother named Shujinkou. We're actually twins. He's a little awkward around people. I thought it was because he was shy, but Granny Hisa said that he has social anxiety. But when you get to know him and he gets to you, that awkwardness mostly goes away. I guess what Granny Hisa said explains why he scratches his right cheek more than us.

He also creative and is really good at drawing. Seriously, he went from drawing stick figures to drawing detailed figures in no time flat. Though he's a lot more critical of his work than anyone else. I guess it's an artist thing... Me, Mom, Granny Hisa and Gramps think it's good. I don't think I ever heard Dad's opinion though...

Like I mentioned before, I have a Mom and Dad like lots of people. Mom's a really motherly mother. She isn't that strict at all and really likes to keep everyone happy. She's also a really awesome cook and easy to talk to. That said, she's kinda awkward when talking to people too. I can see why Granny Hisa said that Mom and Shujinkou are a lot of like.

Dad is... Um, how can I say this? He's kinda got a whole mystery thing to him. He kinda keeps to himself and doesn't really show his emotions that much. He's not really an affectionate person either. I don't I ever me or Shujinkou ever got a hug from him. Then again, he did take me out for ice cream for finishing the school year with all A's. He seemed as excited as he could ever show. It was kinda awkward that Mom had to ask him to take Shujinkou with us... I was kinda surprised Shujinkou wasn't coming with us at first in the first place.

I have grandparents or at least from my Mom's side. I don't really know anything about Dad's parents and that is one of the thing he never, ever wants to talk about. My Mom's parents are Granny Hisa and Gramps. Gramps is like a real life adventurer. He has a lot of stories about what he did since he was a kid and sometimes lets me and Shujinkou act it out with him. I kinda want to be like him someday. Maybe not going on full-blown adventures, but maybe be as athletically capable as him.

Then there's Granny Hisa. Granny Hisa owns a really popular spa hotel place. I think it's the success that gives her the confidence to call herself Lady Hisa. Then again, Granny Hisa seems confident 24/7. She also looks very young. Like Gramps looks like a younger muscle man with a few old features and slightly grey hair, but Granny Hisa looks like she could be our aunt. Plus her silver hair is natural too, not because of age.

Gramps and Granny Hisa are pretty affectionate. Not like kissing in public all the time or pet names, but it's clearly obvious that they're happily married. Gramps carries her around like a princess sometimes like they just got married and I'm sure Granny Hisa would do the same if she could.

There is something weird about their marriage though. Not bad weird, just interesting maybe? I'm so used to TV showing women being the complete dominant figure in a relationship while the man has to jump through hoops to prove that his point is right sometimes but my grandparents seem to be 51% Granny Hisa and 49% Gramps. Like its equal, but... If it was like a clan, then it would be clear that Granny Hisa is the head of the household. Something like that.

Gramps told me that Granny Hisa keeps him grounded, so maybe that has something to do with how it's equal and a little unbalanced at the same time.

We used to live with them at the resort, but recently we just moved. This is actually our 2nd day in our new neighborhood. It's kinda weird. I'm so used to living with a bunch of other people and now we have a quiet space for ourselves. That's also the reason Granny Hisa suggested this notebook thing to me and Shujinkou. It's always said that moving is hard for kids, but I don't really get it. Maybe because our situation is different from the usual and we didn't leave any friends.

I think the hardest thing is moving and then starting school soon. Me and Shujinkou are of course going to a new school. I wonder how different everything will be from our last. I wonder if we're going to meet any new people or make any friends on our first day. Oh well, 2nd grade is right around the corner so I guess we'll figure it out then.

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