The Operation

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Sayori's high pitched scream loudly bounced around the room. Her heart was pounding so fiercely, it felt like it could explode against her chest. She tightly grasped her flushed cheeks and violently shook her head.

"No! No!" she said over and over, trying to come to grips with the dream she just had.

"Are you okay, Sayori?"

Sayori stopped and soon discovered that Monika had been standing right beside her.

"Uhm..." embarrassment caused her cheeks grew even redder. "I just had a... weird dream."

"Weird" wasn't exactly the correct word used to describe what happened in her head, but that was something Sayori desperately wanted to keep herself.

Desperately looking for something else to focus on, Sayori soon took notice of Monika's current attire. Seeing her dressed in her school uniform set off all kinds of alarms in her head.

"Oh no, I didn't wake up late again, did I?!" she fretted.

"No, no. I just got up early to take care of some things." Monika assured her.

Sayori breathed a sigh of relief. Today was her first day back to school after her "unofficial vacation"; the last thing that she wanted was to have to make a straight dash for it again.

"What were you working on anyway?" Sayori asked.

"It's a secret," Monika said, giving Sayori a coy wink.

"Aw... Do you really have to do your whole secret thing now...?"

"Would it make you feel better if I say it's a surprise? I kinda want to keep it a secret until later."

"Fine..." Sayori pouted. "You must really be feeling better if you're back on your whole secret thing though..."

"Just a surprise... You'll find out later, I promise. For now, why don't you get ready for school?"

"Okay." Sayori stretched her arms as she slowly stood up. If there was one thing she could say for sure after multiple stays at Monika's residence, it was that her floor was expectedly softer than her own bedroom floor. "Ah! Monika!"

Monika looked back from her doorway. She was surprised by the curious, but serious look on her face.

"Do you still remember the promise you made?" Sayori asked.

"You mean the one from last night?"


Whilst conversing before going to bed last night, Sayori had made Monika agree to something that would surely come up in the future.

"But isn't it a little early to be reminding me of that?" she said with a weak chuckle. "After all, that's a bit off from now."

"I know. But my dream reminded me to make sure."

"Wait... Was your dream about-?"

"Ah! Secret! It's a secret!" Sayori shouted, rapidly waving her hands.

"O-okay," Monika already had an idea regarding what Sayori was hiding qnd her hectic response was a pretty good confirmation to her theory. "I guess we both have secrets then."

"Yeah..." Sayori said with an exhausted sigh.

"Well, anyway, I'll be downstairs if you need me."

Monika took her leave and walked downstairs.


Monika continued her descent until she felt something brush against her foot. There was a bag sitting next to a suitcase at the bottom of the stairs.

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