The Guilty Part 5

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There was something strangely soothing about watching the world fly by at high speeds. Perhaps it was a latent enjoyment of the act. Whatever the reason, it helped soothed her weary heart.

She was used to failing to defend herself in an argument, at least in regard to her interactions with Mali, however after her latest talk with Jomei, she was absolutely crushed. She considered it a miracle that she decided to come along.

As she pondered the reason, Yuri felt something briefly brush against her left shoulder.


Natsuki's head was bobbing back and forth, and her eyelids were dropping down. As soon as she heard her name however, she immediately snapped to attention.

"What?" she asked, trying her hardest to stifle a yawn.

"Are you okay?" Yuri worriedly asked.

"Yeah... Just fine."

Was she just trying to be tough or was it just embarrassing to admit that she was tired; Yuri couldn't really tell. Maybe there was nothing to really look into there.

Her eyes wandered around the train.

It was hard getting there the second time 'round. I wonder if something will happen this time.

Her eyes continued to wander before suddenly being drawn to Rei. Or rather, what attracted Rei's attention. Sitting in the center of her sleeved covered palm was pin in the shape of a white lily.

"Is there something special about that pin, Rei?" Yuri asked.

Rei looked up and stared at Yuri.

"Sorry, it's just that you seem really... You were just looking at it like it means a lot to you."

Rei looked back down at the pin. There was a slight change in her eyes, but Yuri couldn't figure out if she was mistaken on that.

She was compelled to look out the window again. Closing her eyes, she could faintly hear a question she asked in the past.

"Did you have fun?"


Shujinkou looked up. He seemed confused, as if he was just broken out of a trance.

"Sorry, did I interrupt your thought process?" Yuri asked.

Shujinkou scratched his right cheek. "Not really. What were you asking?"

"I was wondering if you had fun with Rei yesterday."

Just the day before, Shujinkou had skipped their club meeting to spend the evening wandering around with Rei. It wasn't that much of a surprise that his recruiting task turned into that.

What was surprising however was the startled look on his face.

"Oh. Y-Yeah. It was fun. It's just-"

Shujinkou frantically scratched his right cheek as he stunned over his words

"Did something happen?" Yuri calmly asked.

"Um... I can't really say?" Shujinkou said with an awkward shrug.

"I see... Well, is this secret moment positive at least?"

"Um... I guess you could say so. Uh, yeah, I would say it was pretty positive."

"Ah. Well, I'm happy it's not anything bad. I know you aren't really fond of awkwardness."

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