Couples' Dessert

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Nervousness. It's something that Shujinkou hasn't felt much in real life until he joined the Literature Club. But despite all of the awkward moments he's been through since then, he couldn't help but feel especially nervous over the situation he has gotten himself into today. It was a situation that anyone would be nervous about being in.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Shujinkou."

Shujinkou awkwardly raised his head and had to force himself from instinctively looking back towards the ground once he met eyes with Monika.

"Were you waiting long?" she asked.

"Not really," Shujinkou nervously scratched his right cheek. "I just got here."

"Really?" Monika smiled. "Well, shall we head inside?"

"S-sure," Shujinkou nodded. As the two entered the local parfait shop, Shujinkou played back the events that led to the two meeting there today in his head.

The day before, he walked down the third year hallway and noticed Monika patiently standing next to the club room door.

"What are you doing out here, Monika?" Shujinkou asked.

"There was something I wanted to talk to you about," Monika replied.

She pulled a small slip of paper out of her jacket pocket and handed it to Shujinkou.

"This is something I got for my work during the school festival," Monika explained.

Shujinkou's eyes lit up as he read through the contents of the slip.

"A free limited edition parfait for two?" Shujinkou read aloud. While on the outside he retained a calm, yet surprised attitude, on the inside Shujinkou was very excited. He loved eating sweets and the thought of getting a parfait that is usually out of his price range was almost enough to make him show his excitement on the outside too. But his initial excitement quickly turned into confusion, prompting him to thoroughly read through all the lines again."For two... You mean the two of us?"

"Mm-hmm," Monika nodded. "It's a special couples' coupon."

"B-But..." Shujinkou stammered.

He was so flustered that he couldn't finish his sentence. Was Monika possibly asking him out on a date?

"I know we're not a couple," Monika said. "But we wouldn't want it to go to waste, would we? It expires soon."

"But why me?" Shujinkou asked. He really wasn't sure why Monika would want to go with him of all people. Surely there a lot of other people she could have asked.

"Well..." Monika went quiet for a moment before finishing her sentence. "I just thought it would be fun to do something together as fellow club members."

"And that's how I ended up here with Monika," Shujinkou thought as the waitress gently placed the parfait on the table along with two spoons. The excitement from yesterday returned in full force as his eyes scanned the frozen treat. "It looks so good!"

"You seem excited," Monika giggled.

"Maybe a little..." Shujinkou said, scratching his right cheek once more.

The two eagerly picked up their spoons and each scooped up a tiny piece of the parfait. The moment the parfait made contact with his taste buds sent an intense feeling of sheer bliss throughout Shujinkou's entire body. It was as delicious as he hoped.

"So good!" Shujinkou thought, unable to hide his delight.

"So, Shujinkou, how have you been enjoying your time with the Literature Club?" Monika asked.

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