The First and the Second

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The last bell of the day had finally rung. Normally, this would be the time that Monika would make her way to the club room. Instead, she made her way straight to the nurse's office.

Once there, she immediately spotted Sayori lying atop of one of the beds neatly spread across the room.

"Monika!" she quickly sat up and happily waved at her approaching friend.

While happy to see her, Monika was also worried what could have landed her in the nurse's office again.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Well..." Sayori nervously chuckled with faint red cheeks. "I fell from a tree."

"What? How?"

Sayori gently rubbed the back of her head. She could still fell the bump she gained from the impact of the crash.

"Well... I noticed a cat in the tree and climbed up to get her. One thing led to the other and I ended up falling down and blacking out," she sheepishly explained.

Monika wordlessly stared at Sayori. Though she was clearly a little embarrassed to admit how she ended up here, her response also made light of to falling and losing consciousness was. It was because of this, that she wasn't sure if she should laugh or express more concern.

"So, you're not hurt?"

"No, I'm good. I'm used to falling on my head," Sayori laughed as she recalled all of the head injuries she experienced through her life. "Though it's usually face first."

"Well, if you say you're okay."

Monika began to wonder if someone could build an immunity to constant head trauma.

"Oh yeah! When I woke up, the nurse told that a raven-haired girl carried me here," SAyori said

"Raven-haired?" Monika's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"Yeah, and she said she was didn't say a word and only responded with vacant stares."

That description clinched it. There was no one else it could be.


"Yeah," Sayori furiously nodded her head. "I don't know what she was doing around then, but I'm glad she was around."

"Mm," Monika agreed.

It was actions like that showed Rei had some fondness for them.

"Speaking of which... Do you think that Rei talked to Shujinkou when they hung out the other day?" Sayori asked.

"What makes you think that?"

"Well..." Sayori closed her eyes as she recalled her childhood friend's reaction to her questioning him about that day. "He was acting the usual way he acts when he feels uncomfortable talking about something. And the only reason I can think for why he would act like that is if she talked to him."

She then scratched her right cheek, imitating Shujinkou's anxious expression. "Unless she did something more shocking than that..."

Monika thought the same thing when she asked Shujinkou that same question. He was clearly uncomfortable with talking about it in detail.

"From what I can guess, she probably did talk to him and didn't want to go telling everyone about it."

"Yeah, that what I thought too," Sayori agreed.

She jumped out of the bed.

Sayori's recovery speed is amazing. Monika felt nothing but amazement as she followed her out of the nurse's office.

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