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The following day, Shujinkou approached his homeroom's door until he felt a sharp pain emanate from his head.

"Man, my head still hurts..." Shujinkou groaned, gently clutching his head.

He could still remember the power the rogue basketball had when it knocked him off his feet. If there wasn't a wall for him to crash into, he was absolutely sure that he would have flown further than he did.

"Kiyoko has a really strong arm," Shujinkou noted. "I need to be careful around her when she has a basketball in hand..."

The pain left as quickly as it has arrived, allowing Shujinkou to finish his daily morning passage. As he walked into the classroom, he couldn't help but catch a glimpse of Kiyoko peacefully sleeping in the desk just behind his own.

Despite finding it a tad bit surprising, he assumed it was because she exhausted herself from yesterday's practice. After all, if she did what he saw her do for hours, he would be more surprised if she wasn't asleep.

"Shujinkou," he suddenly heard.

Recognizing the voice that called him, Shujinkou quickly turned around and met eyes with Monika.

"Good morning," Monika waved.

"Morning, Monika," Shujinkou with a wave back. "What are you doing he-?"

Shujinkou was rendered speechless once as he noticed that everyone in class was staring at the two of them, their faces lit with shock. He could not blame his classmates though. If it was not for the fact that he was in the club she created, the chances that they would interact at all would be zero.

He then proceeded to watch Monika as she reached into her bag and pull out a sketchbook.

"You left this behind yesterday at the club," she said as she returned the lost item to its owner.

"Ah, thanks. I was looking all over for this last night," Shujinkou chuckled. "It was kind of maddening that I couldn't finish my latest drawing."

"I know the feeling of not being able to finish something you want right away," Monika sympathized. "By the way, what were you drawing?"

"Secret," Shujinkou chuckled.

"Are you saying that just because I wouldn't let you read my story," Monika questioned.

"No..." without turning away, Shujinkou neatly tucked his sketchbook in his bag. "Yes."

"Fair enough," Monika giggled. "Well, se ya later."

With a quick wave goodbye, Monika left the classroom, leaving Shujinkou alone among a sea of stunned faces. It was an awkward situation but, throughout the day, Shujinkou would learn that his classmates' reactions would be the least of his worries.

At the end of the day, Shujinkou looked down at a heavily marked paper, a sight that he was sadly familiar with at this point.

"Man, I'm going to flunk if this keeps up," Shujinkou sighed. "What am I going to do?"

All he could feel was anguish. He led himself to this point and was unsure whether or not he could get out of the whole he dug for himself.

Suddenly, a firm hand resting on his shoulder brought him out of the realm of self-pity. He curiously turned around and watched Kiyoko let a giant yawn escape from her body.

"What's wrong, Shujinkou?" she asked.

"Well, it's just that I haven't been doing well in one of my classes..." Shujinkou sighed.

"Ah, chemistry still getting to ya?" Kiyoko queried.

Shujinkou found himself shocked to hear that. How did she know what subject he has been failing in? But the look of surprise on his face allowed her to tell exactly what he was thinking.

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