Regret and Acceptance

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Shujinkou absentmindedly stared at the pond before him. He didn't even know why he looked for a pond specifically to stare at, he just did. Maybe it was because he felt like it would be a less weird if someone came by and saw him staring into space.

He felt a little surprise that he considered that, even if unconsciously. It had to be as his conscious thoughts could only playback the events of this afternoon, specifically what happened after he requested a change in location.

Earlier that day, Shujinkou grabbed his backpack and walked towards the clubroom door. The moment he stepped into the hallway, a pair of hands grabbed him and slammed Shujinkou against the wall.

The others rushed out of the clubroom, stunned to find a complete stranger towering over Shujinkou with anger in their eyes.

However, upon a closer look, it became clear to one of them that this person wasn't a stranger.

"Papa?!" Natsuki exclaimed.

Papa? Shujinkou glanced at Natsuki. Her body was subtly trembling and her eyes were filled with dread. He then looked back up at the man pinning him against the wall. This guy's really Natsuki's dad?

"What are you doing here, Papa?" Natsuki timidly asked.

"I just wanted to see it with my own eyes," he answered.

"See what?"

"Now I see why you were always vague about your friends and those trips you went on... All of that was just so you could spend time with your boyfriend!"

Natsuki's cheeks grew bright pink with embarrassment. "Shujinkou isn't-! He's not my boyfriend..."

"Don't lie! I've seen what you wrote about him!"

"You- You read my journal?!"

"And wasn't I surprised by what I read! Going over his house multiple times, bringing him sweets, kissing him twice...!"


After a brief silence, the man released his grip on Shujinkou.

"Come on, Natsuki, we're leaving," he said.

"But I was already-"


Without saying another word, Natsuki followed her father and soon disappeared from sight.

"Are you okay, Shiko?" Sayori asked.

"...Not really."

"Was... Was that why Natsuki was at your house this morning?"

"I... I don't really know. She didn't say why."

Shujinkou scratched his right cheek as he recalled Natsuki's expression as she walked past him. He recognized that look of powerlessness all too well.

I was hoping that it wasn't as bad as this though...

The young man weakly shook his head, ending that unnerving memory.

I don't get it. Are all fathers just like that? When I think about it... I don't think I've ever really gotten to know someone who's a good father like I see on TV or games or comic books...

Shujinkou then looked around the park. His eyes were immediately drawn to a well-dressed man in a suit walking arm in arm with a lady wearing expensive earrings.

I wonder if they're married and have kids. Is he a good father?

He moved on and spotted a woman pushing a stroller around.

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