Prankster's Paradise

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One of the benefits that came with advent of the old schedule was that there was more time to fit in personal hobbies. For Shujinkou, this meant more time to advance his artistic skills.

"I wonder which way Kid Goku's hair would fit in this situation..." he mumbled under his breath. Such a question had plagued his mind for the past five minutes, until the answer finally presented itself to him. "That's it!"

But before he could return to work, his focus was immediately drawn towards the direction of bloodcurdling screams. He watched as a plethora of male students tumbled out of the gym, drenched and wearing nothing but their underwear. To him, if was as if they were violently carried to shore by a violent tidal wave after escaping a sinking vessel and being marooned on an island for eight months.

Such an image remained in his head until classes were over and he could share it with his friends.

"The school prankster has pranked again?!" Sayori gasped.

"Yeah. Apparently they're the ones who set off the sprinkler system in the boy's locker room and gym," Shujinkou confirmed.

"It really is unsettling that there is someone going to such lengths to play, what they likely consider, 'jokes'," Yuri lamented.

"Yeah. Like there wasn't already enough grief to deal with," Natsuki groaned.

"Hopefully, they'll quit while they're ahead. Things won't be so good for them if they get caught now," Monika said.

"I doubt it. They probably think they're untouchable and will keep trying to outdo themselves," Natsuki theorized.

"How can they outdo setting off the sprinklers in the boy's locker room?" Shujinkou wondered aloud.

The young man would soon get his answer the next day as he walked into the school with Sayori. The moment they were inside, a battalion of water balloons dropped down from above and showered everyone in the general vicinity.

"I never thought a question would come back to haunt me almost 24-hours later like that in real life..." Shujinkou moaned as he scratched his right cheek.

"Yeah..." Sayori agreed.

But the students were not the only ones to suffer from the pranks. In the newly re-established teacher's work area, the staff was assaulted with shaving cream and buckets of waters. Later, after classes were finished, the archery club would find there bows missing string and their arrows missing their edges.

The next day, several students found their lockers filled with confetti and one class even had their desks wrapped in plastic.

"This is ridiculous!" Natsuki raged. "I know I said that they'll try to outdo themselves, but can't they take a break!? Seriously, my desk was covered in four layers of plastic wrap!"

"You know, I heard some students thinking of making themselves look they've already been pranked just to avoid the actual thing," Shujinkou shared.

"I think it's clear that the perpetrator is doing this indiscriminately..." Yuri replied as she brushed the confetti out of her hair. From her voice and mannerisms, Shujinkou could tell that she was annoyed.

"Did you have confetti in your hair all day?" Sayori curiously asked.

"Actually, I ran into more from a bucket hanging over the classroom door," Yuri sighed.

"At least it's something that you can fix immediately," Monika weakly chuckled as she drew attention to the black circles around her eyes."

The group let out a collective sigh. The pranks were really starting to get out of control.

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