The Selfish

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"Eh?! You want to make me Club President?!"

If her jaw could hit the floor, Sayori was sure it would right now. That's how surprising what she just heard was.

Despite her outburst however, Monika maintained her calm disposition.

"I just asked what would you think about it," she explained.

"But you wouldn't be asking if you weren't seriously considering it!" Sayori frantically pointed out. "Why would you want to give me your position?"

Cracks in Monika's calm façade began to show after that question. It was a simple question and yet it very nearly brought her hidden insecurities to the surface.

"It's just... I think that you've been a better club president then I have," Monika somberly admitted.

"Really? How?" Sayori wondered.

"You know, you always keep everyone's spirits up and you've always been there for everyone more than me."

"That's why you want to switch places with me?"

"Not exactly switching. More like you take over as president and someone else can be vice-president."

Sayori looked worried. "Are you leaving?"

"No. Just stepping down," Monika assured her.

Suddenly, Sayori's worried face changed. Right now, she displayed a level of sternness she rarely reveals. "Then no."

"Why not?"

A bright smile stretched across her friend's face. "Because you're our president. This is your club, your vision, your dream. I don't want to take that; I want to support it and everyone else like I have. That's the promise I made when became Club VP."

Present Day.

Having that memory brought up to the surface at this exact moment seemed appropriate. If it had happened earlier, then it may have broken Monika even more. But now, it strengthened her newfound resolve.


Letting her new resolve guide her, Monika walked up to the front door of Sayori's home, only to find something worrying.

Cracked open again...

While she knew Sayori has a habit of forgetting to close the door all the way at times, with everything that happened lately, Monika couldn't help but ponder if there was a sinister significance this time.

It doesn't look like it was forced open, but...

From what she gleamed from the documents that somehow vanished, it didn't appear force open when Sayori was taken.

Fear and worry natural followed that important reminder.

She gently gripped her chest and closed her eyes. For some strange reason, she felt tranquillity stifling her negative emotions.

A relieved smile now sat on her face as she opened her eyes.

"Okay... This time for real."

Monika slowly pushed the door open and peeked inside. There wasn't any sign of life downstairs.

Pushing the door further, Monika stepped inside and called her friend's name.

There was no answer. In fact, Monika was surprised by how eerily quiet it was.

I can't help but think life is doing everything it can to try and deter me.

It was something she found a little funny but she didn't have time to focus on that.

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