Devil's Night

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"Ugh... My head..."

Though her head had been throbbing since earlier that morning, right now Monika felt like her mind had been removed from her own body before being shoved back inside. That was the best she could describe the sensation she felt right then and there.

As she tried to get her bearings, she soon noticed something strange. She felt something wet and miniscule repeatedly pelt against her in an unforgiving manner.

Slowly opening her eyes, Monika could see droplets of water splash against the pavement she was now staring at.


She instinctively stuck her hand out in front of her, the act itself surprising her; last she had recalled, her arms were supposed to be bound.

That wasn't the only thing that didn't add up however. She also recalled being in some kind of warehouse, but now she was back in front of her home.

Finally, she noticed something that was particularly confounding: her current eye level. She didn't have to look; she knew she was currently sitting on her knees. But even taking that into her, her eye level wasn't at the height it should have been.

Monika turned her attention toward the ground once again. Just below her was a puddle with her reflection centered right in the middle. Despite the constant rainfall distorting the image a bit, she was still able to discern it and the surprise it gave her.

"I'm... I'm a kid again!?" she sputtered.

Hastily examining her body, Monika was shocked to discover that her eyes were not playing tricks on her. She truly was a child again.

"But how-?"

A loud screech stopped Monika from questioning her current predicament any further. Soon after, her body instinctively shivered from the loud booming sound of thunder as the rain from above began to fall even harder than before.

It was strange but, to her, the weather felt like it was reflecting someone's feelings.

Though her mind told her to get inside quickly, her heart told her something else. She felt drawn to something and couldn't bring herself to ignore that feeling.

Spurred on by that feeling and curiosity, Monika stood up and walked forward. Her heart serving as a guide, she continued to walk forward through the blinding storm.

After walking for what seemed like forever, she noticed a figure in the distance. Cautiously moving forward, she discovered that it was a boy.

He was on his knees and his hands were covering his face, but that didn't stop her from recognizing him.


The boy looked up; it was indeed Shujinkou. Though his current appearance made her even more confused, the concern she felt upon looking at Shujinkou's face overpowered her confusion. It was drenched, not just from the rain but also from his tears.

"Are you okay, Shujinkou?" she worriedly asked.

"W-Who are you? And how do you know my name?" he asked.

"I'm Monika. Don't you remember?"

Shujinkou didn't say a word. It was clear from his face that he had no idea who she was.

"Never mind, it's not important. What's wrong?"

Shujinkou sniffled as tears welled up in his eyes again.

"M-My... I... I keep losing people," he blubbered. "No matter if I do anything or not, I keep losing people. My grandpa, my sister, my dad, my friends... No matter what, I keep losing people! Why do I keep losing people? Why...?"

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