Fairy Tales

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A long time ago, there was a little girl that roamed a large, desolate world. The lands were covered by nothing but darkness. Light was a concept, but it was tucked away in its own little realm. The little girl wandered aimlessly through this strange world, constantly haunted by the darkness all around her.

She couldn't escape it no matter where she went and it didn't help that eventually creatures were born from the very force she found herself in. They each had different forms, but one thing was consistent, they lacked a sense. They were nothing but the personification of destructive instincts. These creatures would bite, maim and kill each other for no other reason but because they were compelled too.

Such power in the hands of mindless beasts... No matter how the girl felt, she knew that she too would suffer the fate of the fallen creatures.

But despite knowing that, the girl approached the creatures. Each step she took filled her with dread and excitement. The bloodlust the creatures naturally exude came and went, as if it was trying to feel the girl out. They eventually came face to face and stared into each others' eyes. She slowly raised her hands and reached out for its nose. Pressing against its giant snout, the creature exploded into an innumerable amount of tiny, little pieces.

The girl was covered from head to toe in its purplish-black blood. Her tongue crept past her lips and partook of the blood. She then found herself drawn to the other creatures and reached for them too, each one suffering the same fate.

Soon she was once again alone, that was until an arrow pierced her right shoulder. Her blood started to pour out and mix with the external blood she received from the creatures. Turning around, she saw a group of hunters comprised of several men and women. Their leader was a craggily, but strong old man. He wasn't the kind of respectable elder that was kind and knew well, but one that was cruel and corrupt. If you crossed him, you may find yourself "heroically sacrificing" yourself for him.

He saw what she had done to those creatures; they were keeping tabs of them for a long time. They were watching their movements, planning routes to bypass them while hoping one day to put them down for good. Naturally, instead of being grateful for the girl's removal of these obstacles, the elder immediately deemed her a threat. He saw her as a demon in human skin that ascended to their world to bring about the end times.

The elder ordered his group to fire upon the girl, but they were hesitant. Half were hesitant because of their target's appearance; they couldn't bring themselves to hurt a small girl. The other half was outright scared; the elder's arrow had a direct hit, yet the girl showed no signs of pain. Expectedly, the elder did not take kindly to this. Threats of banishment were thrown their way, forcing the group to put aside their reservations and open fire on the girl. Several arrows pierced her skin, causing more blood to pour out of her.

The hunters were horrified. Despite their onslaught, the girl still stood, unfazed by what had happened to her.

The girl begun to reflect on the situation; she looked at all the arrows that dug into her skin then back at the hunters. Without saying a word, she had begun to approach. The elder, defensive and scared ordered more arrows be flung her way. But it didn't matter. No matter how many flew into her, the girl continued her stride forward.

Increasingly desperate, the elder took his bow and swung it at the girl. The moment it made contact, it cracked and eroded into dust. Before he could even process what just happened, the girl extended her right index finger forward and placed in on the elder's abdomen. With just the tiniest push, her finger steadily pushed through the skin and further into his body, the elder crying out in pain, the entire way through. She then raised her finger, lifting his body off the ground at the same time.

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