Order's Counterstrike

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The very next morning, Shujinkou was in the middle of searching for Mali.

"I wonder if she's actively avoiding me," he thought aloud.

Not too long after that curious thought, Shujinkou suddenly remembered something the girl he was assigned to keep an eye on said to him the day before.

"It's amazing how little anyone actually looks up or down, huh, Senpai?" those words circulating through his head once again, Shujinkou looked up and found Mali rocking back and forth on a nearby tree branch. Slowly and carefully, Shujinkou approached the tree she was perched on like she was an enemy he had to perform a stealth takedown on. He continued his stealthy approach until he noticed Mali start to tip too far back.

"Mali!" letting his instincts take over, Shujinkou quickly lunged forward and caught the first year student before she could hit the ground. He exhaled a relief filled sighed before asking, "Are you okay?"

"Senpai?" curiosity flashed on Mali's face as the young girl jumped out of his arms. "What was that for?"

"What was what for?" he asked, confused by her question.

"Catching me," she clarified.

Shujinkou scratched his right cheek as he tried to understand her own confusion. "Well, it's not like I could just let you fall and not do anything about it."

Mali silently stared at Shujinkou before smiling. "You're weird. First you don't turn me in for what I did yesterday and then you save me. Senpai's very weird."

"That wouldn't be the first time I was told that..." Shujinkou awkwardly chuckled.

Mali continued to stare at Shujinkou. Feeling like he was being analyzed, Shujinkou decided to use the opportunity to think up a potential counter strategy for whatever she may come up with.

Suddenly, Mali reached into her pocket and approached him, prompting him to try and come up with a plan faster.

"Here," she pulled out the necklace she stole from him the day before and dropped it in his hands.

"You're just giving this back to me?" Shujinkou asked, surprised by the sudden action.

"It not that fun using this as a get out of jail free card when sneaking around," Mali explained.

Shujinkou silently glanced down at the necklace.

"Still... Even if that's true, she still didn't have to give it back." A small smile snuck on his face as he realized this.

"Anyway, see ya, Senpai," Snapping out of his thoughts, Shujinkou watched Mali turn around and walk away.

"Wait!" Mali wasted no time in turning back to him, waiting for the young man to continue. "Uh. I've got a surprise for you."

"Senpai has a surprise for me? What is it?"

"I can't show you now. But if you can get through the day without pulling any pranks on anyone, I'll show it to you."

"You'll show to it to me if I'm good?" a big smile stretched across Mali's face; it appeared that she was intrigued by his proposal. "Senpai's not even trying to be subtle. That's interesting."

"It is?" Shujinkou questioned.

"Really interesting. All right, Senpai. I'll be good for the day." With that innocent declaration, Mali skipped off into the school, leaving Shujinkou alone with his thoughts.

"I hope this works," he fretted.

To his surprise and delight, it did. By the end of the day, there were no complaints of someone pulling pranks. "Alright, time for Phase 2."

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