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Awkward silences. Like Yuri had mentioned before, Shujinkou didn't really care for them. But not many really do.

However, this time was different. The air was heavy, solemn and melancholic all at once. Perhaps awkward wasn't the right word; depressing seemed more appropriate.

Shujinkou tore himself away from the bright lights that flew past his window and snuck a look at Yuri. She still sported the same disheartened expression she has had the entire evening. He couldn't blame her for feeling that way.

Wouldn't anyone respond in a similar way if they spent time in around the local law enforcement?

After discovering the photos in the envelope Mali unveiled, they took it to the police and waited as officers were sent to question and possibly bring him. But after spending what felt like hours waiting, they came to learn that his place of residence appeared to have been quickly cleared out.

"He clearly took what he could and ran," one of the said.

Akuma's location was currently unknown, a fact that clearly unnerved Yuri.

With nothing else that could be done then, Shujinkou called his mother, asking if she could pick them up.

Recalling all of that made Shujinkou feel guilty and like an idiot at the same time. If it wasn't for Mali's intervention, Akuma's creepy act most likely would have continued for much longer.

"After all, there's a difference between doing nothing because you can't and doing nothing, giving up and letting things continue on."

Those words Mali had told him added to his preexisting guilt.

Why was I so confused whether or not to do anything with that envelope? Doing something with it should have been obvious, right?

But as Shujinkou thought that, he realized something about the entire scenario he didn't question before.

Mali already knew about the envelope and spoke like she knew what was inside... Why-?

Shujinkou soon felt the car come to a stop.

"We're here," Hiro announced.

Once again looking out of the window, Shujinkou confirmed with his own eyes that they were in front of Yuri's house.

"Thank you, Ms. Hiro," Yuri said.

She stepped out of the car and Shujinkou followed. The silence between them persisted even as they reached the front door.

"Here we are..." Shujinkou awkwardly said.

It was all he could manage to say. He truly didn't know what he could say that wouldn't make her feel even worse.

Yuri turned around to face him. "...Thank you."

"Huh?" Her expression of gratitude was the last thing that Shujinkou expected to hear, especially when he wasn't completely sure why she was expressing it. "For what?"

"For spending the entire evening for me even thought it would be understandable that you would rather be left alone and..." Yuri averted her gaze as she gathered her words. "And for telling me about your sister. I know that couldn't have been easy for you."

Shujinkou scratched his right cheek. "Yeah, well... I guess I just thought it needed to be said."


An awkward silence soon hung over them. They both wished they could say more, but didn't know what they could.

"You know... Standing here at night reminds me of one of the first things we've done together since you've first joined the club," Yuri noted.

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