My Darling Little Boy

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So here I am again, running for dear life away from a problem I caused. Except this time, the consequences have actually come to fruition. Perhaps, my move was always going to invoke suspicion after all. Of course, why wouldn't my mere presence cause suspicion? If what was lost really was seen with his own eyes...

I knew I should have burned those ill-mannered and obtained photos long ago. I knew that but... Every time I tried, I would hear her voice. If I just ignored it, I wouldn't be in this situation.

I tried to commit to it once again, but they were gone. I knew right then and there what would happen next and wasted no time gathering the essentials. It's sad that I have become proficient at this. I should have known that I would end up using these skills as I became a fugitive.

Word had spread that people should keep a lookout for the appropriately named Akuma. Why was I named that? No one could have known that I would be in this position when I was born, could they? Is it some type of custom? I'm likely grasping for straws; I know the various reasons. I only started thinking that when I met one of my students, Malizia, or Mali as she prefers.

Despite her young and innocent face, she clearly revels in her attempts to live up to her name, while I tried to run away from it. A truly upsetting case where her actions and words make her better than me as she at least doesn't make any excuses for her dark side. Maybe she was the one who did something with the photos or maybe she just passed it on to her Senpai. She always did appear to be the type to try and find a wedge in those she's affiliated with.

Speaking of her Senpai, I have to wonder... No, that I have to suppress. Have to eradicate. Whoever did it, they made the right choice. I wasn't strong enough to do the least I could do and suffer the consequences. Now all that's left to do is fade away for good this time.

Fortunately, I had enough time to grab all evidence of my other identity. I still somewhat hate my brother for convincing me to make alternate personas, but at the same time I can't at the moment. A paradox, but humans are paradoxical beings.

I thought about where I could go; where I could build a new life. Hawaii seemed nice, but also seemed too obvious of a first spot to escape too. Everywhere seems to be the case but Hawaii seems like the Top 3. I decided to drift around Europe. Start from the edge of the Atlantic Ocean and go east from there. I always wanted to go on a cultural trip like that; I just never figured that it would be under these kinds of circumstances.

Either way, I've already assumed my persona of a foreign business man. I told my brother that it seemed too conspicuous, but Jomei said that it always worked for his parents. I gave it a try now and then and it at the least did not draw attention my way. It's about time to see if it works in earnest.

I don't know why I'm writing this down; I'm essentially recording my crimes. But perhaps I'm also recoding a confession. It calms the nerves as I prepare to go through security, but I should likely stop here. This time, I'll burn evidence once I start my new life. If I can get to that point...

Akuma closed his notebook and stuffed it into his bag.

"Here we go," he said, standing up.

"Running away again, are we?"

Akuma was sure that his heart skipped several beats upon hearing that question. It wasn't because of what was asked, but the horrifying voice of the questioner.

"It can't be..." he thought aloud.

"Can't it?"

Droplets of sweats crawled down his face as pondered whether or not he should ignore the owner of that voice.

"I thought I taught you better than to just ignore me. Maybe you finally embraced the name I've given you now."

Akuma timidly turned around. Despite a desire to run, he knew he couldn't from the person he found behind him; a person he thought he was physically freed from.


A wicked smile crossed her face. "Hello, my darling little boy."

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