Selfish Part 1

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"I remember that day clearly. That was when all of the pain, the sadness and the loneliness began. I wanted it to go away. I really, really wanted it to go away. But... am I talking about my pain or theirs?"

"Time to get to work!" Sayori cheerfully thought as she gathered her things. Now that school was finally over, the young Vice-President could finally meet up with the other members of the Literature Club.

As she anxiously made her way to the meeting place, the young girl's curious gaze was caught by a familiar sight walking out of the school. She approached the window and silently watched a figure vanish from the school grounds.

"Oh..." Sayori gently pressed her hand against the cold glass. "Oh, wait, I got to get to the club. I can think about things when I get there."

In no time at all, she reached the classroom that held the club.

"I'm here!" she happily announced before tripping over her own two feet. Just as quickly as she fell, Sayori sprung back up on her feet. "Huh."

"Are you okay, Sayori?" Monika asked.

"Yeah, but I think I'm really used to being helped up," she replied.

"That doesn't sound like something a club VP would say," Following the direction of the sudden voice, Sayori curiously turned around to find Natsuki holding another container filled with various manga. The pink haired female then turned her stern gaze to Monika and asked: "By the way, when are we going to get our own club room?"

"I don't think we'll be getting our own club room anytime soon. Until then, this classroom will be our meeting place," Monika answered.

"What?! I thought this place was only temporary until we were official."

"Sorry, Natsuki, but I don't think that there's anything we can do about it right now."

"There's really nothing we can do?"

"Uhm... I think situations like this are under the authority of the Student Council President," Sayori replied. "So we would have to ask her."

"Ugh..." a nervous drop of sweat crawled down Natsuki's face as she considered that option. "I guess we'll just have to wait..."

Natsuki quickly retreated to the classroom closet, an action that surprised Sayori.

"I don't get why everyone gets that way whenever the president is mentioned," she said.


Sayori and Monika turned towards the direction of the second sudden voice and watched Yuri quickly avert her gaze.

"What did you say, Yuri?" Sayori asked.

"Ah... Nothing. I really shouldn't say anything," the young maiden nervously replied.

"You don't have to be so nervous, Yuri," Monika assured her. "You can tell us whatever you were going to say."

"Well... To answer Sayori's question... The Council President has an air about her that scares the other students," Yuri said. "She really seems like a person that you need a lot of courage to approach and sustain a conversation with. In fact, I have heard other say how exhausted they were after talking to her."

"Oh..." Sayori closed her eyes before exhaling an exhausted sigh. "I'm tired just thinking about it. I bet he would be too."

"He... Are you referring to the same friend you mentioned before?" Monika queried.

"Mm-hmm," Sayori happily nodded.

"He must be very special to you if you feel compelled to mention him as much as you do," Yuri said.

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