A Sudden Perspective: 2nd Entry

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So this is my second entry into both my new journals. Remember how I said I didn't understand how going to a new school would freak people out? I was wrong, I was totally freaking out.

What if something totally unexpected and out of nowhere happened just to give me a bad first day? Life can be like that sometimes.

I needed someone to talk to about it so I decided to talk to Shujinkou. Surprisingly, he didn't seem too concerned; at least he didn't show it. He was playing games like it was any other day.

When I think about it, other than leaving Gramps and Granny Hisa, Shujinkou didn't seem that bothered by the move either. Maybe he was happy to get a more quiet space too? I don't really know, he can really be quiet and to himself sometimes when it comes to personal feelings. He really doesn't seem to want to tell people whenever he's upset or something half the time.

But since he didn't seem worried on the outside, I couldn't bring myself to mention it in case just thinking about suddenly made him worried. Instead, I looked at what game he was playing. The moment I saw Daffy Duck flying a space vehicle through an Acme factory; that was all I needed to see.

He was playing Space Race. It was a space themed Looney Tunes racing game. All worries immediately went away as I joined him. It was one of the games I really loved playing against him in. It did keep me calm until today.

This morning, we awoke to the kind of breakfast you would get for a big day. I guess Mom had the same thought that I did; even though everyone will be dealing with first day jitters, we have first day and new school ones. Shujinkou still didn't seem overly too worried. He kinda had a neutral look on his face the entire trip to school.

Our school looked like any other school. There were kids running around; it was kinda like being in the middle of an open zoo. I guess no one knew what to do before class started.

I kinda figured that Shujinkou and me should've looked for our classes. I don't know why a part of me thought we would have been in the same homeroom just because we were siblings, maybe a bit more because we were twins. Anyway, I suggested that to Shujinkou, but he wasn't paying attention.

His eyes were glued to this girl. She was on the ground and everyone around her was laughing. I remember reading something about this before. I think it was called Schadenfreude, it's a feeling of glee when you see someone else suffer. I thought was something that only happened on TV, but I'm seeing the most obvious example right here with no one seeming to care how miserable she looks.

Well, actually there was one person who cared. Shujinkou approached the girl and helped her to her feet. He doesn't really like to be the center of attention, so I was kinda surprised he did it while the attention was still drawn to her. Granted, doing it then was probably the better move. I don't really know what they talked about, but when they were done, Shujinkou took her by the hand and guided her into the school. A classic case of Chivalry vs. Schadenfreude.

I also thought we were going to have a school wide assembly, but we didn't. I guess our school doesn't do that.

Anyway, soon everyone was in class. Alone in a new school... All I could really focus on was my work. We had a see-what-you-know kind of test in homeroom. It was a good thing I read through it before I started answering because it turned out that all you had to do was right your name then turn it over. Once again, one of Granny Hisa's life lessons saved me from tricks.

The other classes were pretty uneventful; we just dove right into the work after some brief introductions. The work wasn't as hard as I thought it would be either. I think I finished every assignment before everyone else.

Lunch could not come any sooner. I wasn't this anxious to get through the school day last year, but I was today for some reason. Maybe I just wanted the first day feeling to go away soon.

I visited Shujinkou in his classroom during lunch; he was talking to that girl he met earlier. They looked like they were already friends from where I was standing. I didn't feel like getting in between that so I spent lunch exploring the school grounds. Never know when you need to know precise locations in case something happened.

After lunch, me and a lot of the other younger students were excused to go home. I survived the first day and got to go home a little earlier than usual. I caught up with Shujinkou and his new friend after school. That's when I learned her name: Sayori.

She had a bright smile when introducing herself which was really different from the face she had earlier. With a smile like that, it kinda hard to believe she made that other face earlier. It was also then when I realized that we were actually walking home in the same direction; in fact, her house isn't really that far from ours. So not only did Shujinkou make a new friend on the first day, he also befriended a neighbor. That was two things people are nervous about when moving in to a new neighborhood worry about and he easily did them before school let out.

We eventually went our separate ways before we Shujinkou and I made it home. Mom greeted us and asked about our day. It was clear that she was a little anxious even though she tried to hide it. I didn't really have much to say so I just shrugged. Think that kinda worried her, though Shujinkou telling her that he made a new friend cheered her up.

I asked where dad was, but she just told us that "he went out". Dad kinda "goes out" a lot; it's part of that mystery thing he has going on. Well, it's not like I really had anything to tell him. My day was overall meh. If anything, the most interesting part was the trick test and noticing what Shujinkou went through today.

At least he had a good first day and hopefully my meh day was just because of first day jitters. I'm sure I just got to get used to being here.

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