Selfish Part 4

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the moment he left the Literature Club meeting to when the lunch bell rung the net afternoon. Not only did he feel bad about wasting the club's time, he couldn't help but feel disappointed in himself for how he left Sayori. "Maybe, that's why I didn't see her this morning."


Shujinkou glanced up and was completely taken aback once he laid eyes on Monika.

"M-Monika? What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to eat lunch together," Monika suggested with a smile.

Shujinkou's eyes widened with shock as he tried to process what he was just asked. Why would the school's idol want to eat lunch with him? That was the only thought in his head as he opened his lunchbox.

"Hey, Monika..." Shujinkou said.

"Yeah?" Monika looked up from her meal with curious eyes.

"How come you asked me to eat lunch with you?"

"To be honest, I wanted to see if you were okay. You kinda left in a hurry yesterday."


Shujinkou scratched his right cheek as he sheepishly looked down at his food.

"About that... I'm sorry about yesterday," Shujinkou apologized.

"Sorry? Sorry about what?" Monika inquired.

"Not joining the club and suddenly leaving?"

"There's no need to apologize about that. The club's not for everyone. But there is something I wanted to know."

Shujinkou looked back up, curious to know what Monika wanted to ask.

"Like what?" he asked.

"Sayori once said that you weren't interested in joining any clubs," said Monika. "Why's that?"

"Oh. Well, to be honest, they're just not really my thing."

"Why not?"

"I'm just not interested. I prefer to just go home after school and do my own things."

"Is that really all there is to it?"

Shujinkou diverted his gaze and sighed. All he could answer her question with was a simple, "Yeah."

Monika silently stared at him as she continued to eat her meal.

"Okay then," she said. "But if you ever change your mind about joining the club or just want to visit us, just know that you can."

"R-really?" Shujinkou replied, perplexed. "That's kind of a..."

"Sudden and strange offer to someone that 3/4ths of the club doesn't know that well," Monika casually interrupted.

Shujinkou didn't know how to respond to her on-point deduction, nor did he know if he should feel amazed or scared.

"Uh, yeah... What you just said," he nodded.

"It does sound strange but I'm sure Sayori would really like it if you at least visited now and then, especially since she talks about you so much," Monika explained.

"S-She does?" Shujinkou couldn't hide how surprised he was to hear that.

"All the time. It's probably why she convinced Natsuki to bring in cupcakes."

Shujinkou was rendered speechless by what he just heard. He never thought Sayori would talk about him so much after so long. But all that information did was make the disappointment he felt in himself grow and flourish.

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