Troubled Yuri Part 3

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"I can't believe this is where you decided to take us," Natsuki said.

Shujinkou agreed with the sentiment. He didn't think that the field trip Monika suggested would lead the club to the front doors of the Student Council.

The Student Council is the most powerful force in the entire school. Whatever the president wanted, she got it. It was because of this that the entire student body has become weary of her. Many stories were told of her ice cold demeanor and lack of empathy. It was because of these many negative accounts that Shujinkou couldn't understand why Monika didn't show any signs of worry.

"This is the only place we can find what we need," Monika smiled. "I'm sure the council president will be willing to help us."

Shujinkou wasn't too sure he agreed with Monika, but he did feel like it wouldn't be too bad to try with her around. He followed the girls into council's office and his eyes were immediately drawn to the turned-away chair that lay behind the president's desk. He could feel an unnerving aura emanating from it.

"You need anything?" a sinister voice asked them.

The chair quickly spun around, revealing the president that occupied it. The fellow student's skin was as white as snow and her raven tint hair was tied back into two long twin tails. Her matching eyes were set behind a pair of blue glasses, but even they couldn't reduce the power of her icy glare. Shujinkou came to realize that rumors about the president were most likely true and that their mission, whatever it may be, has already failed.

But suddenly, to his and Natsuki's complete surprise, the president's eyes lightened and a massive grin formed on her face.

"Hey, Monika, what brings you back here?" she asked.

"I was wondering if I could ask a favor, Fuyu," Monika answered.

"Like?" Fuyu grinned.

Shujinkou and Natsuki could not believe what they were seeing.

"She's on first name basis with the student president..." Natsuki thought.

"The power of the school idol..." Shujinkou thought.

"Do you think we could look through the school records?" Monika requested.

"Hm? What for?" Fuyu asked. Her curious face was so pure and innocent that Shujinkou and Natsuki's images of what they imagined the president would be like were utterly destroyed in an instant.

"There's something we really need to look up. Please, Fuyu?" Monika pleaded.

"Well..." Fuyu adjusted her glasses and remained silent for a few minutes.

Shujinkou wondered what Monika needed access to the school records for until Fuyu finally gave her answer.

"I'm not really supposed to but then again I'm the one who gets to make the rules, so go for it!" she approved.

"Thanks, Fuyu," Monika smiled. "I really owe you."

Monika started to make her way towards the school records with her club members following suit until Shujinkou noticed Fuyu staring at him.

"Um..." The confused young man didn't know what to say. At the moment, he couldn't tell which side of her he would be speaking to.

"You're Shujinkou right?" she asked.

"Y-Yes," Shujinkou nervously replied.

Fuyu quietly stood up from her chair and approached the slightly apprehensive male. Her curious eyes scanned him from head to toe before finally locking on to his own. It was if she was trying to analyze the core to his very being. Soon, a smile appeared on her face.

"Are you really into literature?" Fuyu asked.

"Well..." Shujinkou nervously scratched his right cheek. "I mean the club is getting me interested in it, so that's something."

"Hmm..." Fuyu eyes traced his body once more until locking back on his. Suddenly her soft hands reached out and squeezed his right. Her warm smile caused his cheeks to turn bright red. What was going on?

"Wh-What are you...?" Shujinkou started to ask.

"If your stint with the Literature Club doesn't work out, you're more than welcomed to join the council," she said. "Maybe even as VP."

Shujinkou couldn't believe what he just heard. Why was Fuyu suddenly offering Vice Presidency to him of all people? As he wondered if the day could get any stranger, Sayori jumped in between the two bearing a question.

"Hey, Fuyu, where's the coffee maker?" she asked.

"Over there," Fuyu pointed to her left.

"Thanks," Sayori grinned. She then turned around towards her childhood friend. "By the way, Monika wanted you."

"Ok," Shujinkou nodded his head.

Shujinkou walked over to the record cabinet, where he found Monika and Natsuki searching through a quite a few records.

"Shujinkou, is this the guy you saw?" Monika asked, handing him a single piece of paper.

Once received, his eyes were immediately drawn to the photograph attached to the paper.

"Yeah, that's him," Shujinkou confirmed, giving the paper back to Monika.

"I thought so," Monika said. "The features you mentioned sounded familiar. His name is Akumu. He taught here until his suspension last year."

"Suspension? What was he suspended for?" Shujinkou asked.

"I'm too sure, but the answer should be right here," Monika said. Her eyes lowered towards the paper and watched as a dark liquid covered the file from head to toe. Her eyes were then drawn to what lied beyond the drenched mess of ink and noticed Sayori on the ground with a slightly damaged cup.

"Sorry," Sayori nervously chuckled.

"Okay, it's time for plan B," Monika weakly smiled.

"What's plan B?" Shujinkou asked as he helped Sayori on to her feet.

"We talk to Yuri directly," Monika replied.

"Well we might as well give up now," Natsuki sighed. "You really think she's going to tell us anything? She shuts down like a computer over the tiniest of things."

"That's... true," Monika conceded. "But it's still a better option than possible Plan C."

"Which is?" Sayori asked.

"Questioning Akuma," Monika answered.

"Yeah that would be a stupid thing to do," Natsuki nodded her head in agreement.

"So, Shujinkou and I will head over to Yuri's house and we'll tell you guys what we find out tomorrow," Monika said.

"W-Wait a second!" Natsuki exclaimed. "Why just you two?!"

Shujinkou was surprised by her loud objection. He didn't expect her to respond so strongly to Monika's decision. But unlike him, Monika remained composed and calmly explained herself.

"Because Shujinkou knows where Yuri lives and it is my duty as club president to make sure that my club members are okay," Monika said in a professional manner. "Besides if we all go at once she may, like you said, shutdown."

Natsuki remained quiet for a moment; her facial expression constantly switching between the conflicting emotions called irritation and understanding.

"Fine..." she conceded. "I guess that's why you two already had your bags."

"So that's why Monika said to bring our stuff..." Shujinkou thought.

"Well, shall we go, Shujinkou?" Monika smiled.

Shujinkou silently nodded his head and followed Monika out of the council office.

"I wonder what they'll find out?" Sayori wondered aloud.

"It's not our problem anymore," Natsuki replied. "Let's just get our stuff."

Sayori happily followed her irritated club mate back to the clubroom. There they met with the one person they didn't expect to be there.

"Hello," Akuma warmly greeted them.

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