Expanding the Club: Reizo

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Today was... I don't even really know how to describe it. Maybe I'm exaggerating things. I don't know. I mean, it all started like it any other day. School went by like usual. The only difference was that I had a mission. Yesterday, I asked Kiyoko if she wanted to join the Literature Club and she said that would think about it. Today, it was time for me to ask Rei. I knew it would be tough and I even spent the rest of last night preparing with Sayori. Once school was over, I went straight to Rei's classroom. She greeted me with a slow wave and I could feel myself already slipping into the usual state I end up in when we're alone. I decided to just come out and ask her. Ask her to join the Literature Club, I mean. Sounded like I was asking her on a date there.

After I asked, Rei just stared at me. Sometimes it's like she's analyzing me; like she's taking note of my every move. Like always, things became awkward real quick until she waved goodbye and walked away. It was official at that point: I am a terrible recruiter. But at the same time, I had to remind myself that at the end of the day, I wasn't really that close of to her. It's not like me asking would make her jump at the chance or anything. Actually, I don't think that would happen even if we were that close. Soon, I found myself thinking about when I first met Rei. She seemed really emotionless back then and the only reaction I got out of her was really subtle. But ever since then, even though words still weren't said, she seemed to express herself a little more through other ways.

After that, I found myself once again wishing I could find a way to hold a conversation with her without coming off as rude or patronizing, And that's when it hit me. All me and Rei do is say Hi and Bye like Kiyoko said some people do. I said I wanted to try and be friends with Rei and constantly sulking and wishing for a way wasn't going to change anything. I didn't know what to do but I knew that I needed to actually try something. So, instead of heading to the clubroom, I went to Fuyu's office and found Rei about to open the door. When I called her, she looked back at me and waved at me again.

I was soon thinking that maybe rushing over to her without a game plan wasn't the best move. But just as I was having second thoughts, I slapped my cheeks hoping that would help me get a grip. It did, but I probably looked dumb doing that. But even after getting a grip, I was thinking the same thing again. Tired of it all, I decided to go with my instincts.

"Rei, would you like to go somewhere you'd like?" I asked.

I could have kicked myself for saying such a thing out of nowhere. I mean, who asks that all of a sudden? I couldn't look her in the eye after that. I was just acting like an idiot at that point. But after that I started to hear something. It's sounded like a bunch of rustling paper. I looked up and there was a pamphlet in front of my face. It read "Flora's Botanical Garden".

I... I didn't really expect her to actually respond to my suggestion. I asked her if that was where she wanted to go and expected her to lead the way or wave goodbye, but instead she nodded her head. I was floored by that. She never responded to me like that before. Is it wrong to think like that? I mean, everyone gets surprised when people they know do something different. Maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better.

Anyway, I texted Sayori that I was going somewhere with Rei and let her lead the way. It was a little awkward since we didn't really converse much, but it didn't get to me that time. Maybe it was just because I just had a successful conversation with her. It was a step in the right direction.

When we got there, I realized I never actually seen a real botanical garden before. It's as viney as what I've seen on TV. It must have every flora and fauna known to man. I also kinda expected to hear someone shout "Jyuron!!!" and I'd end up being captured by roots. When I finally came back down to earth, I realized that Rei was kneeling next to a bush filled with roses. I thought she was just interested in the one flower near Granny Hisa's place, but she seemed to be interested in more than just the one.

I tried to talk to her throughout the trip, but it usually resulted in her staring at me and moving on to what else the garden had to offer. I'm pretty sure she was enjoying herself, thought my obvious commentary probably ruined the experience a little. When she was done looking around, she walked towards the exit. As we left, I noticed that they were giving away pins of a white lily and grabbed one for later.

Once we were outside, I asked if there was anything else that she wanted to do. That's when I noticed a subtle change in Rei's gaze. It was like she was confused and lost. I then remembered that Fuyu told me and Sayori that Rei didn't get out much until recently. Plus, I've only seen her do things other did. It was kinda déjà vu. I was like that when I first befriended the others. I didn't really think I could voice my own ideas and when Monika gave the opportunity, I only voiced one and went blank. Monika had to take over after that. Maybe I should try and do the same with Rei. Hard to do, but I should at least try.

I decided to start with the tried and true method of any trip around town: head to the local river to skip stones. I just have to know one thing: Why can't I skip stones! It's like it can only be done in fiction. Though I know that's not true, because Rei skipped a lot of rocks in the river. Rei must have a lot of hidden talents. She makes a good link and she didn't drop me when I was caught in Mali's rope trap. Not to mention, she was the one who caught Mali in the act and is resistant to her word play.

When we ran out of rocks, she looked at me like she was wondering what do next. It was strange, but it was like I was having an easier time spotting the subtle changes in her expression. Maybe it was because I stopped thinking about what to do and just did something.

I soon took her for some ice cream. It's kinda funny how my sweet tooth always decides to want something when I'm out. Got some ice cream and... that was all I had. We were just wandering around at that point. It's was kinda funny that all this time I was worried about how to converse with her and in the end most of the trip was silent. I'm starting to see how Venom Snake and Quiet bonded when they weren't in the field.

We ended up just window shopping through various stores. Though her expression didn't change, Rei seemed to be interested in almost everything we saw. It makes me wonder if she was sheltered most of her life. Not to mention, with her being adopted by Fuyu's family, I wonder what her past life was like.

It was soon getting late and I had to take her home before it got dark.

Shujinkou sat up in his bed as he remembered what happened next. It was still a shock to him. It was just after they arrived at her house.

"Here we are," Shujinkou said as he watched Rei walk up to the front door. "So..."

Rei glanced back at him. He expected her to wave goodbye but instead she just stood in front of him motionless.

"Um... I guess I'll see you later," With a wave goodbye, Shujinkou turned to leave. The idea of asking her to join the club did come to mind but he decided against it. It just didn't seem appropriate to him at that moment in time. "Oh wait!"

He turned back around and pulled the White Lily pin he grabbed earlier out of his pocket.

"They were giving this away at the botanical garden," Shujinkou explained. "I thought you would like it."

Rei slowly reached for the pin and accepted it.

"Well... Like I said before, I'll see you later," with another wave goodbye, Shujinkou turned to leave.


"Huh?!" that one word caused Shujinkou to instantly freeze in place. The young man felt shock, confusion and questioned his grip on reality all at once as he slowly turned around and found Rei staring at him. "Rei?"

"...Shujinkou is... Nice..." Rei slowly repeated.

Shujinkou was at a complete loss for words. Without saying another word, Rei slowly waved goodbye and walked into her house.

He soon found himself alone in the dark, utterly shocked by what just transpired.

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