Doki Doki Slumber Party!

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"Alright, you are all set, Sayori," Hiro said as she finished packing Sayori's bag.

Despite the fact that she hasn't done it in a while, it felt like it was only yesterday Hiro picked out all the necessities Sayori needed whenever she came over to stay for the night. Once she made sure everything was secured, the slightly weary woman closed the bag and casually tossed the bag to its owner.

"Thanks, Auntie H," Sayori beamed, slipping her arms through the straps of her luggage.

Just then, Shujinkou walked down the nearby steps with a tobacco pipe in hand. He gently blew into the pipe and watched in amazement as bubbles flew up towards the ceiling.

"You know, it's too bad that you can't come to the slumber party with me, Shujinkou," Sayori lamented.

"Wha-?! I can't go to an all girls' slumber party, Sayori," Shujinkou replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

"If mom was here, she would probably say that you may be the only high school male that would say that without a hint of regret," Hiro chuckled.

Sayori joined in on the laughter as Shujinkou simply blew more bubbles from his pipe.

"That said, it's kind of weird staying over someone else's house and you're not there," Sayori continued.

"I guess..." he diverted his gaze as scratched his cheek. The bubble blower didn't know why, but he found it weird that his friend's statement caused him to start to feel weird. Of course, he didn't want her to know that out of fear of ruining her fun. "Eh, I'm 100% sure you'll still have fun without me."

Suddenly, the conversation was cut short by four knocks on the front door.

"Wonder who that could be?" Hiro wondered aloud as she approached the door. She opened the door and was hit with surprise the moment she laid her eyes on Yuri and Natsuki.

"Whoa..." Natsuki said.

"Ah... Is Sayori here? Yuri asked.

Hiro continued to stare at the two girls, unable to hide how completely dumbfounded she was. After staring at them for what seemed like forever, Hiro snapped back to reality and let out an awkward laugh. "Sorry, I think got lost in my own thoughts for a moment. Come on in."

As she motioned them to enter her home, Hiro couldn't help but think, "Oh my...! They're more moe than I thought they would be! ...Whoa, I think Shujinkou's anime tongue is starting to get to me again."

Watching the two girls walk into his house; Shujinkou once again started to blow bubbles from his pipe, this act being the only thing hiding the surprise he felt from their sudden appearance.

"What's with the bubble pipe?" Natsuki inquired.

"I..." Shujinkou hesitated for a moment he before immediately deciding to tell the truth. "I sometimes use it when I read things and used to use it when I pretended to be a detective when I was younger. I probably look pretty dumb with it, huh?"

"Hm... I think it makes you look very distinguished," Yuri complimented.

"You think?" The quizzical look he gave her caused the young maiden to immediately divert her gaze.

"Yeah... I do..." a tiny smile formed on Yuri's face as her cheeks grew red.

"It is kinda cool..." Natsuki shrugged.

"See? I told you I wasn't the only one who thought that," Sayori chirped.

"Huh." Shujinkou placed the tip of the pipe in his mouth as he started to ponder. "Wait... But you said that when I was a kid. I don't think it counts at a time when people said I looked cute with it."

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