My Father and I Part 1

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"Dad? Dad?" Shujinkou curiously walked downstairs and noticed his father sitting on his favorite chair. Slightly increasing the grip on the paper he carried down with him, the innocent child approached the man. "Hey, Dad, want to see the drawing I made?"

"Not now, kid," Jomei instantly answered, keeping his eyes trained on his magazine.

"Oh..." Shujinkou replied, awkwardly scratching his right cheek. "What about later?"

"No promises," Jomei answered.

"Okay..." the disappointed child looked down at his drawing of his father carrying him on his back and then back to Jomei before returning to his room.

Once there, he noticed a magazine lying on his floor. Giving in to his curiosity, the boy picked the magazine up from his floor and opened the piece of literature.

"Father, what are we doing?" Shujinkou looked up from his magazine and turned his gaze towards his father, whose nose was buried deep in his own piece of literature.

"Quiet. We can't draw attention to ourselves," Jomei instantly replied.

Shujinkou couldn't help but wonder why after his father asked to spend time together that they were trying to act inconspicuous. After spenindg the next five minutes pondering what was going through his father's head, Jomei suddenly looked to his left and then to his right.

"Let's move, kid," Jomei instructed.

Following his father's lead, Shujinkou walked down a nearby alley and his head was immediately filled with every possible negative consequence that action could have.

"Father, what are we doing here?" he asked, trying his best to prevent Jomei from realizing how nervous he was.

"You'll see," Jomei answered.

The mysterious man raised his left fist and tapped it against a specific brick on the wall in front of them. The brick slid to the right, revealing a pair of grey eyes peering out from the darkness.

"This is highly suspicious..." Shujinkou mumbled.

"What's the password?" Jomei was asked.

Suddenly, Shujinkou's line of sight was obscured by his father's right hand, causing his suspicions to soar even higher. After what seemed like forever, Jomei's hand returned to his side as several bricks were moved to the left, revealing a large, scary man standing in front of a door.

"Where has my father brought me...?" Shujinkou was almost paralyzed with fear as the man's gaze turned towards him.

The man then turned his gaze towards Jomei and grinned.

"Back already eh, Jomei!" the man laughed. "Who's the kid?"

"He's mine," Jomei casually shrugged.

"I didn't know you had a kid," the man said. "Anyway, come on in."

The man opened the door and Shujinkou followed his father through it.

"Wha..." that was all the shocked boy could say once he was inside. What he thought would be a highly illegal base of operations turned out to be a nightclub.

"Wait a minute... a dance club in the afternoon?" Shujinkou wondered aloud.

"The party never stops here, kid" Jomei grinned as he led the two to his favorite table. "Welcome to a place only available to those who know it exists."

"How do you know this place exists?" his curious son asked.

"I have my ways," Jomei answered as he took his seat.

Following his father's movements, Shujinkou awkwardly attempted to casually sit down and looked around once more. Seeing the type of people who were around and just the general feel of the place he was in, Shujinkou couldn't help but feel out of place and a little worried.

"So... why are here?" Shujinkou asked.

"I needed a place to unwind after what happened last night," Jomei answered.

"What happened?" Shujinkou asked.

"My, uh, lady friend kind of got me a little irve last night and had her w..." Jomei went quiet for a moment, something his son was grateful for. "Anyway, I kind of acted like a fool in front of your grandmother after the succubus left and decided to hang out here."

It was times like this when Shujinkou wished he was ignorant about the subjects his father talked about sometimes. But despite how uncomfortable they were, hearing that was a surprise for him. He never thought his father would ever be in that kind of situation.

"Anyway, how's junior high?" Jomei asked.

"I'm in my second year of high school," Shujinkou corrected.

"How's that going?" Jomei asked.

"Fine," Shujinkou shrugged.

"Anything interesting?" Jomei asked.

"I'm in a Literature Club," Shujinkou answered.

"That's cool," Jomei calmly stood up. "I'm going to get a drink."

Shujinkou could only sigh as he watched his father walk to the nearby bar.

Meanwhile, Sayori and Yuri were still conversing in the Spa Resort's main lobby.

"Did you ever find out who won us the trip here?" Sayori asked.

"Not really," Yuri shook her head. "But the final product must have been really good for our school to win."

"It was," Hisa interjected, her sudden appearance startling Yuri.

"L-L-Lady Hisa," the frantic girl said. "How long have you been there?"

"I just got here," Hisa chuckled as she scratched her right cheek. "Sorry, did I scare you?"

"Ah... not much," Yuri replied.

"What are you doing here, Granny Hisa?" Sayori asked.

The youthful grandmother sat down between the two and smiled.

"Well, I was cleaning my office and stumbled upon..." Hisa dug into her kimono and pulled out a picture frame for all to see. "...This!"

Sayori and Yuri looked down at the photo. It depicted a much younger Shujinkou and Sayori sitting on the shoulders of a muscular elderly man.

"Hey, it's Grandpa!"Sayori couldn't help but smile at the sight of someone she has not seen in such a long time.

"That's your grandfather?" Yuri queried.

"No, that's Shujinkou's grandpa," Sayori corrected. "He's an adventurer."

"Isamu liked to be referred to as 'The Adventurer,'" Hisa added. "That man and adventurous journeys go together like something that goes well together with something else."

"And he used to tell us all about all the time," Sayori continued. "Along with showing us all the cool stuff he found."

"He found so much stuff that there are several rooms that are specifically used just to store them," Hisa added as she looked down at the photo. A solemn expression appeared on her face as she continued to stare at Isamu, something that has not gone unnoticed by the girls. "Miss you, Isamu..."

Taking a deep breath, Hisa returned to a happier disposition.

"By the way, have you two seen my grandson?" Hisa asked. "I wanted to show him this."

"He went somewhere with Jomei to hang out," Sayori answered.

Silence overtook Hisa as she tried to process what she has been told.

"...Say that again," Hisa finally said.

"He's hanging out with Jomei," Sayori repeated.

"Huh... Wonder how that's going?" Hisa wondered aloud.

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