Positive Experience

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"Also... Also..." Shujinkou tossed and turned in his bed as he contemplated that one word. "What was Yuri going to say? She also... what? Yuri looked really nervous when she said that, but also looked... happy? What could that mean? She also said that while getting really close to me. Was she going to...?"

Shujinkou cheeks grew red as he completed that thought.

"No, that can't be it," he shook his head. "I mean... it's me for one. There's no way that could happen to me... unless through rare and specific circumstances. Besides, the last time I came to a similar conclusion, she made it pretty clear that that wasn't the case. Plus, Yuri kind of has a talent for taking moments and making them really... intimate."

As if on cue, Shujinkou phone began to vibrate with Yuri's name on the screen. Anxiety built up second by second as he reached for his phone and answered it.

"Ah... Shujinkou..." she said.

"Hey, Yuri," he replied, scratching his red right cheek. "You okay?"

"Huh? Oh... Yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly."

"It's not an issue. It's not like I'm mad or anything."

"Still... It's just that... um..."

Silence interjected itself into the conversation for 5 minutes, until Shujinkou decided to speak up, "You know, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. It's probably none of my business."

"Ah... it's not that... It's just that... I don't think I can say it right now," Yuri lamented.

"Oh... Well, you don't have to force whatever it is you wanted to say. I can wait."

"Ah... Okay. And thank you for your concern. It always alleviates my concerns."

"No problem."

Silence once again decided to insert itself into the conversation.

"Well... I have to go now," Yuri finally said. "Dinner is ready."

"Okay. I'll talk to you later then," Shujinkou replied.

"Okay. Until then."

The moment the call ended, Shujinkou heard a knock on his bedroom door.

"Come in!" he said.

The door slowly opened and Hiro cautiously walked in with a tray of cookies.

"I come in peace," she said. "And brought some apology cookies."

A confused Shujinkou could do nothing but watch his mother sit next to him on his bed.

"Apology for what?" he asked.

"Well... I can't help but feel that I'm the reason Yuri left so suddenly," she awkwardly admitted.

"I'm sure that's not the case..." Shujinkou said, scratching his right cheek.

He reached for one of the cookies and took a large bite of it.

"So, what were you two doing while I was gone?" she asked.

"We made paper lanterns for the Granny Hisa," Shujinkou replied.

"That's it?"


"Nothing else?"


"At all?"

"No... What do you think we would do?"

"I'm not sure. Anything that could happen whenever a boy and a girl are alone together."


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