Malevolent Intervention

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"That's a good question, Senpai."

The shock from that sudden voice answering his question nearly made Shujinkou jump off his feet. Standing behind was Mali, sporting her usual "innocent" smile.

"That exactly was the question I was asking myself as I was listening in," she continued.

She then started to laugh.

"Then again, I guess I shouldn't really be surprised by how things turned out."

"What do you mean?" Shujinkou asked, perplexed.

"I'm talking about how you were so easily puppeted through that entire conversation," she answered cheerfully.


Shujinkou scratched his right cheek. Though he felt the entire situation was excruciatingly awkward, he didn't feel like he was manipulated throughout it.

But he couldn't say for sure that he wasn't and Mali's knowing smile made him curious towards what she had to say.

Mali could see that curiosity clear in Shujinkou's eyes. "Want your Kōhai to spell it out for you?"

Shujinkou scratched his right cheek then nodded his head silently.

"Okay. First things first, you were already at a disadvantage considering you didn't have the full context of the situation. No matter how obvious it may seem, Senpai couldn't properly respond because he can't make assumptions."

Shujinkou agreed with that point. He felt like he had no right to call anyone out when he didn't have the full context.

"Then there's the other disadvantage. Senpai was clearly uncomfortable and thus couldn't think his best."

Shujinkou agreed with that second point too. Then again, he knew he doesn't always respond the best under any kind of pressure.

"You got me there, but what does that have to do with me being 'puppeted'?" Shujinkou questioned.

"It was those two things along with your worry over one of your friends that allowed it. Want me to go even further by walking you through the conversation little by little?"


Mali giggled at his response.

"Just like how you answered to him."

Those words were like a knife preparing to plunge into his heart. But Shujinkou forced himself to ignore that feeling.

Mali remained silent for a moment. She stared into her fellow student's eyes before staring her explanation.

"Well there isn't really much to say Senpai. The first true red flag was that a teacher would even discuss this with you in the first place. Why actually risk essentially confirming what may have happened by discussing it with you?"

Mali then playfully raised her right hand up to his face and waved two fingers in front of his face.

"Then there's the second red flag, the idea of a 'next time'. Realistically speaking, of course there's going to be a next time, but why would he say it with certainly. Wouldn't someone normally try to assure you that there wouldn't be a next time if they could help it?"

Shujinkou contemplated what he was just told. He did somewhat spot Mali's points and the implications that came with them, but hearing it from her made the entire scenario worse than he thought.

"Oh, but I'm not done yet Senpai. Then there was the request; something that threw you for a loop. That was when your fate was pretty much sealed."

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