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After a tough start to his nightly departure, and despite his intentions to have journeyed farther than he had, Shujinkou knew that it would be best if to settle down for the night. There was no need to communicate that idea though, as Sayori was already laying on the ground, staring up at the stars above them.

Following his friend's lead, Shujinkou laid down next to her and did just the same.

"Hey, Shiko?" Sayori suddenly said.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"Do you think there's anything out there?"

"Who knows? If there is, I hope they're friendly."

"Mm," Sayori giggled as she nodded her head in agreement. The two continued to stare up at the night sky in silence until Sayori opened her mouth again. Hey, Shujinkou?"

"Hm?" the young man couldn't help but feel surprised over hearing her refer to him by name. "Sayori?"


Blinking twice, Shujinkou was no longer was in a forest staring up at the stars; now he was in a school hallway staring at a vending machine. "Whoa."

"Shujinkou!" Now firmly back in reality, the young man immediately turned around. Behind him was a clearly perplexed Sayori. "What were you daydreaming this time?"

"What was I-? Um... We were pretty much in a fantasy world," Shujinkou said as he scanned Sayori from head to toe. "And you were a fox girl."

"A fox?" surprised, she waved her hands just above her head then just above her the back of her waist. "Sounds cool."

Shujinkou scratched his right cheek as he recalled what he had just experienced.

"It kinda seemed like I was living another life there for a moment..." he thought.

"So, how'd things go with Rei yesterday?" Sayori asked. "Did you ask her to join the club?"

"Well... kinda. It's complicated."

"Huh? How's it complicated?"

"Honestly, I did ask her at first, but I didn't get a 'yes' from her. After that, I was more focused on trying to be a friend to her than just a passing by acquaintance."

Sayori silently stared at Shujinkou. Her curious face made it clear that she knew that there was more that he was not telling her. But instead of questioning him further, she simply smiled and reached into the vending machine.

"It's probably for the best you didn't focus on asking her again," Sayori said as she pulled out two chocolate bars. "Rei might have thought you were just trying to get on your good side if you did ask again."

"Yeah..." Shujinkou solemnly scratched his right cheek as he recalled Rei speaking to him. "Now that I think about... I didn't really recruit her or Kiyoko like you guys asked."

"You don't need to feel upset about that, Shujinkou. You can't control what their responses will be."

"Oh, I wasn't upset. I just realized that I didn't actually get any yeses. Honestly, I'm fine with the outcome if only because of what I learned doing it in the first place."

Once again, Sayori silently stared at Shujinkou. Unlike the confusion her face displayed before, it now openly displayed surprise. But just like before it was replaced with a bright smile. "That's a good attitude to have."

Shujinkou nodded his head as he reached into the vending machine, pulling out two more chocolate bars. "So, how was the club meeting yesterday? Did I miss anything?"

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