Study Date

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The weekend has finally arrived and Shujinkou could not be any more confused. Usually he wakes up to the smell of his mother's home cooking, but he instead woke up to find a note addressed to him tucked neatly in between his arms.

"'Dear son, I will be gone on a personal trip for the entire weekend. There are several cooked meals in refrigerator if you get hungry. Stay safe and good luck on your study session.'," Shujinkou read aloud. "Huh."

He read through the note three more times, but it didn't change a single important fact; his mother was gone did not specify where she went. Along with the fact that he was never aware that she was going somewhere in the first place, Shujinkou couldn't help but feel a little suspicious over the entire situation.

"Not like I can do anything about it anyway..." he said, scratching his right cheek.

Putting the note behind him, Shujinkou jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed. Monika texted him the directions needed to find her house and that he could show up whenever he wanted. Knowing that he needed as much help as he can get, Shujinkou grabbed the bag he packed the night before and rushed out of the house to begin his journey.

He followed the instructions that were given to him And eventually found himself standing in front of a house that a lot of boys his age wished they could enter. It was no different from the other average houses in the neighborhood and yet it also had a certain presence to it that distinguished it from the others.


A quick turn to his left and the slightly nervous student found himself face to face with his tutor.

"I didn't know you'd be here so early," Monika said.

"Well, I need as much help as I can get so..." as he scratched his right cheek, he noticed several bags dangling from her fingers. "Whatcha you got there?"

"Just some stuff I got while shopping," Monika answered with a small giggle. "Hope I didn't make you wait long."

"No. I just got here," Shujinkou replied as he reached for the bags.

"Thanks," Monika said, her voice layered with genuine appreciation.

Once the bags were secured around his fingers, Shujinkou followed Monika inside a rather clean looking house.

"Hope you don't mind the mess," Monika apologized.

"Mess? What mess?" Shujinkou thought.

Glancing around the immediate area, the only thing he noticed that could be considered a "mess" was a few dirty dishes and an unfolded blanket. But the "mess" wasn't the only thing that caught his eye. One of the walls in the room was decorated with shiny trinkets that signified winning their designated competitions.

"That's a lot of trophies," Shujinkou said aloud.

"Hm? Oh, I guess so. I don't really pay that much attention to them that much," Monika said.

Shujinkou found it strange that Monika would respond in such a way towards recognition to the physical proof of her accomplishments. He didn't expect her to brag, but he did expect a more positive response at the very least.

"You said you needed help with Chemistry, right?" Monika's voice snapped Shujinkou out of his thoughts and reminded him of why he was there.

He then watched her grab a nearby piece of paper and followed her to a nearby kotatsu.

"What is that?" Shujinkou asked.

"It's just a short little test I made," Monika answered. "It's so I can see what you're struggling with."

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