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The very next morning, Hisa stood outside the resort, staring at the local beach with a pair of binoculars.

"Got it," she grinned.

Soon the satisfied woman felt a few light vibrations brush against her left thigh. Without breaking her concentration on the sea, Hisa casually dug through her left pocket, pulled out her phone and answered it.

"Yello?" Hisa answered.

"Hey, Mom, it's Hiro," the caller replied.

"Oh, hey, Hiro. How are you doing?" Hisa asked.

"Good," Hiro answered. "Job's good, another season of my favorite show starts in a few days and Shujinkou actually hangs out somewhere else other than the house these days."

"Yeah, that last one was certainly a surprise when you told me,," Hisa interjected.

"To be completely honest, the only bad thing that I'm dealing with is the lack of confidence I have about continuing my sewing with my teacher gone," Hiro continued.

"How bad would it be if you tried without him?" Hisa chuckled.

"As bad as it would be to be currently wrapped up in strands of yarn..." Hiro chuckled weakly.

"Oh..." Hisa scratched her right cheek and then silently giggled at her daughter's current predicament.

"By the way, Mom, how is Shujinkou doing there?" asked Hiro.

"Seems fine to me, especially compared to your reports," Hisa answered. "It seems like hanging out with Sayori and his new friends after school has had a good effect on him. You must love those girls for that."

"Girls?" Hiro was surprised by what she just heard.

"You didn't know that the other three members of the Literature Club were girls?" Hisa remained silent for a moment, before nonchalantly shrugging. "Not surprised there."

"You're not?" Hiro was once again surprised by what she just heard. "Why not?"

"Imagine telling your mom that you decided to join a club when you previously had no interest in doing such a thing and then telling her that it was a club about literature and that the only other members were female," Hisa said. "Can you see a scenario where a young boy wouldn't think that his mother wouldn't react in a weird or embarrassing way if she found that out?"

"...All he had to say was that Sayori got him to join," Hiro replied. "That's the truth, isn't it?"

Hiro would be lying if she said she was not feeling a little hurt by Shujinkou not telling her, but she did agree with what her mother said.

"So what are they like?" Hiro asked.

"Sorry, I don't feel like it would be right to divulge the descriptions my grandson gave me,"Hisa teased. "It would be better for Shujinkou to tell you himself."

"I guess you're right," Hiro accepted. "And I know that you're smiling."

"I am not," Hisa's smile grew even larger with that lie. "Anyway, I got to get back to some Hisa-business."

"Mom, I'm not a kid anymore. Why are you still telling me that you're up to 'Hisa-business'?" Hiro asked.

"In my defense, I never stopped saying that to your father either," Hisa giggled. "See ya later."

Hisa ended the call and sighed. She would soon be face-to-face with an 'awkward' situation and to say she wouldn't be looking forward towards it would be an understatement.

"I wonder if they noticed my subtle hint?" Hisa wondered aloud.

Meanwhile at the Front Desk...

"Okay, Sayori, let's try this again," Natsuki glared at the Club VP as she peeked out from behind Shujinkou. "There were exactly five cookies on that plate for five people and yet four out those five people didn't get to eat any. What do you have to say about that!?"

Our Reality (Doki Doki Literature Club!)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя