Countdown to Devil's Night Part 1

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"Ow..." Shujinkou groaned.

He didn't expect Monika wrapping bandages around his head would hurt as much as it did, but the pain doesn't lie. Then again, he didn't expect blood to trickle down the back of his head either.

If Sayori hadn't noticed his injury, he may have suddenly collapsed from blood loss y the time they reached the clubroom.

He found it strange that, besides a throbbing pain near the back of his head, he didn't notice it himself.

Then again, I was probably too wrap up in my thoughts like always...

"Almost done," Monika continued to gently wrap the bandages around Shujinkou's head, making sure it couldn't fall off at anytime. "I still think you should go to the hospital to get yourself checked out, Shujinkou."

"Is this really a hospital-worthy visit though?" he asked.

Without taking her eyes off her work, Monika answered with a succinct, "Bleeding from your head isn't something you want to mess around with, Shujinkou. Especially when it's the result of falling directly on it."

Shujinkou knew that Monika was right. It wasn't that he minded going to the hospital, but he knew the reality of having to go would other someone else more than it ever would him.

Shujinkou snuck a quick peek at Sayori. She was softly laughing as she nervously rubbed her index fingers together.

"Come on, Sayori, it's not your fault," Shujinkou instinctively assured her.

Sayori looked away for a moment, then looked back wearing an uneasy expression on her face.

"...I dropped you on your head, Shiko," she flatly stated. "I don't think you can 'this is not my fault' this time."


"I dropped you on your head!" she cried. "I didn't even think about lowering you down! I just let you fall and now you have to go to the hospital!"

"I don't think he's hurt enough for you to freak out this much, Sayori..." Monika said, trying to calm her friend down.

"But you yourself said he should go to the hospital and I dropped him on his head after he's been hanging upside down for who-knows-how-long!" Sayori argued. "He was probably bleeding so much because all the blood rushed there and I dropped like he was a water balloon."

A gruesome image of his head exploding like said objet crossed Shujinkou's mind, causing him to shiver.

It is almost Halloween though... he conceded.

He then wondered what he could say to calm Sayori down, but Yuri chimed in instead.

"To be fair, you did find him and released him from the trap. If not for you, he most likely would have remained there for much longer," Yuri pointed out.

Sayori looked at Yuri then back to Shujinkou. The guilt on her face wouldn't budge in inch.

"Uu... Still probably would've been better if someone else found him..." she said in an almost inaudible tone.

Shujinkou scratched his right cheek. It was becoming clear to him that Sayori would not forgive herself until the situation passed.

"Done," Monika announced, stepping back to examine her work. "Should be good until you get to the hospital."

"Alright," Shujinkou looked up and smiled. "Thanks, Monika."

Contrary to his relatively cheery face, Monika's displayed nothing but worry.

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