Omake #3

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"I still don't get it..."

Shujinkou scratched his right cheek. Something had been plaguing him since the night before. At it's core, it was questioning the logic of what he constantly experienced, but he knew no one else would see it that way without experiencing it themselves.


"Why is fighting all the Jinchūriki with Bee's support harder than fighting only 3 of them?" he wondered aloud. "It's really weird how I struggle with three going after me at once with no support, but I do much better when I have a single support against 6 of them. Well, still 3 at a time, but it's still a longer fight."

Contemplating what he just said, Shujinkou soon let out a sigh of defeat.

It's just weird, but maybe it's just me.

Once he accepted that conclusion again, Shujinkou looked up and realized he was standing in front of the clubroom door. He reached for the handle only for another hand to tap against his.


Standing right next to him with the same surprised expression was Yuri."

"Sorry, I didn't see you, Shujinkou," she apologized.

"You were lost in thought too?" he asked

"Mm-hmm. I was... Ah..." Cutting herself off before she could say anymore, Yuri closed her eyes. She remained silent for a moment before giving him an answer. "Well, I was just thinking about something for the future."

"Huh. I think I was complaining how I do better on a harder part of a game than the supposed easier path..." Shujinkou awkwardly chuckled.

He was worried that his response may have been a little out there, but Yuri's amused smile calmed his nerves.

Despite everything that's happened recently, the beginning of small talk still made him a bit anxious at times.

With that worry gone for now, Shujinkou opened the door and stepped aside.

"Ah... Thank you."

Shujinkou happily nodded his head and followed Yuri into the clubroom.

"It seems we're the first ones to arrive," Yuri noted, observing the empty room.

"Huh..." Hearing that prompted an incidental thought to suddenly pop up in Shujinkou's head. "You know, it's not even the first or second time, but I'm still shocked when I'm not the last one to show up."

"To be fair, I think by tally everything, Monika has shown up last about the same number of times."

Yuri's gaze suddenly drifted away from his. Her cheeks were faintly glowing red and her face no longer displayed happiness, but instead showed something Shujinkou probably showed himself many times. "To be honest, there was a time I thought it was her attempt to get us to interact without her around for a little. It was a little... uncomfortable then, to say the least."

Shujinkou scratched his right cheek.

"I don't know... That sounds more like something Sayori would," he said with his best attempt of at a cheeky smile. "I should know, she tried the same on me."

A small giggle slipped out of Yuri. It wasn't just because of Shujinkou's response, but how uncomfortable his smile was for him. It somehow made his attempt to cheer her up even more touching.

"Perhaps you're right," she said.

Shujinkou let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't sure if it was obvious or not, but that cheeky grin was too uncomfortable for words.

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