Countdown to Devil's Night Part 7

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It was a cold winter night. The white snow fell like frozen tears from the heavens. It was as if the weather was to punctuate events that have yet to unfold.

A katana scraped the ground next to its owner, a man known simply as 'Akui'. With his left hand, he gently rubbed his left eye, tracing the scar that would forever remain there.

It served as a reminder, a reminder of something he needed to rectify.

He then heard footsteps. Walking towards him was a man who never broke away from his cold, confident stride. As expected, the newcomer didn't seem too pleased to see Akui.

"You finally made it," Akui announced in a grandiose manner. "I was starting to think that you wouldn't show, Jomei."

Jomei looked around. The barren rooftop of a random tall building didn't fit the announcer personality Akui was using.

"You don't seem too excited to see me," Akui noted.

Jomei remained silent. He extended and stretched his right hand wide open.

"Always wanting to skip the preamble, huh. Fine."

Hanging from Akui's left side was another katana. Wanting to waste no more time, he violently unsheathed it and flung it at his guest.

Jomei effortlessly grabbed the hilt and ran the blade against ground. Unlike last time, it left a mark.

An amused smile crossed Akui's face as he asked, "You didn't really expect me to pull the same trick this time, did you?"

Jomei gripped the hilt tightly with both hands and charged at his opponent.

Despite one side's jovial attitude, this was not a friendly competition; at least, not one many would consider as such.

It was a game of life and death; whether any side lives or dies depended on skill and luck.

"Why the silent act, Jomei? I thought you liked these games," Akui taunted.

Jomei responded with another heavy strike aimed for his head. Akui quickly raised his blade in response, leading to another struggle to overpower each other.

"Let me guess... You don't appreciate being here at all, right?"

"I also don't appreciate how you insured me showing up," Jomei added.

"You big softie, I didn't think you cared," Akui mocked. "But how else did you expect me to get your attention when you keep ignoring all my attempts to get it?"

The two continued swinging their blades at each other, neither backing down from the danger their fight presented.

Their stalemate lasted for two hours straight until a swift kick to the gut brought Akui to his knees. Looking up, he could see the tip of Jomei's katana a mere inch away from his face.

"You still leave yourself wide open," Jomei stated.

"And you're still an arrogant son of a- Oh, what's the point. That wouldn't be an insult when you say it yourself."

Jomei slowly drew his katana back to his side and promptly stated, "We're done here."

Giving his defeated foe one last cold look, Jomei turned to leave.

Once again left on the ground as Jomei walked away to stew in his failure was the final straw for Akui. With a mighty roar, he charged at the departing winner like a wild animal thirsty for blood. He thrust his blade forward, but his target was no longer there.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl. Turning his head, Akui was horrified to find Jomei behind him; his cold, unmerciful eyes making it clear this would be the loser's final mistake.

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