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The next day, Sayori patiently stood in front of the Shujinkou's front door, curious as to why her old friend had called her over. Moments later, the door opened, revealing Shujinkou on the other side. He let out a large yawn before welcoming his friend inside.

"Did you stay up all night?" Sayori asked.

"Yep..." Shujinkou scratched his right cheek, before another small yawn escaped past his lips.

"So, what did you want to show me?"

Shujinkou reached for a nearby item and presented it to Sayori. It was two small pieces of paper tapped together. Upon closer inspection, Sayori was surprised to find that each piece of paper had no words written on them.

"What is that?" she queried.

"I think it's some kind of clue," Shujinkou answered.

"A clue? A clue to what?"

"Well..." Shujinkou scratched his right cheek. "You remember that one time Granny Hisa gave us that idea that 'should bind us always'?"

"Um..." hearing those words caused Sayori's mind to dig up a past memory.

She could remember the two of them using their imagination in a cardboard box until they heard a knock from outside. Opening the top of the box, the two stuck their heads out and encountered Hisa.

"Granny Hisa!" they exulted.

"Hey, you two," she waved at the two children.

"What are you doing here, Granny Hisa?" Shujinkou asked.

"I was just in the neighborhood," Hisa nonchalantly shrugged. "Anyway, while I was here, I wanted to see if you two were interested in making a time capsule."

"A time capsule? What's that?" Sayori wondered aloud.

"It's a thing people put whatever they want in it and then the same people dig it up later years later," Hisa explained.

"Why would we want to put something we like in a box for years?" Shujinkou asked, scratching his right cheek. "Wouldn't that just mean we couldn't touch it for years?"

"I thought you might say that, so I'm going to appeal to both of yours' curiosity," his grandmother replied.

As she expected, Shujinkou and Sayori's eyes lit up with curiosity.

"What would you two say to making a time capsule with one thing that means a lot to you... but you two won't know what the other has put in there?" Hisa proposed.

Sayori looked up at Shujinkou; his eyes were filled with interest.

"What do you think, Sayori?" he asked.

"I think it sounds fun. We should do it!" Sayori beamed.

"Oh yeah!" Sayori shouted, back from her trip to the past. "We did do a time capsule! But I don't really remember much about that adventure."

"Well... You up for finding it?" Shujinkou proposed.

"Yes!" Sayori bubbled. "So where do we go first?"

"Well, I think the first piece of paper is one of those that use a special marker to reveal its secrets."

"Aah... Where can we get one of those?"

"Uhm..." Shujinkou crossed his arms. "Doesn't the arcade have one of those activity packs that come with one of those markers? We should probably go there first."

"Sounds like a plan!" Sayori declared.

Moments later, Sayori followed Shujinkou into the local arcade; her eyes lit with excitement.

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