Natsuki's Royal Rumble Log Number 2

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To say that we were shocked that Rei was in this competition and that she could move like that was an understatement. Despite that, Sayori wasted no time cheerfully calling Rei over to us. I wasted no time in asking how she could move the way she did, but in all the excitement I kinda forgot that Rei doesn't really speak or emote. I really don't know how Shujinkou handled being her liaison, but I guess if anyone could do it. I also expected Fuyu to tear into her sister for suddenly disappearing, but instead she was gushing over her Legend of Zelda costume. I was really at a loss at that point. I just knew that if I ended up meeting Rei in the next round, I'm toast.

The next fight started, but I didn't really pay attention. I was too busy thinking about what happened during the first fight. It really felt like I was missing something and couldn't help but feeling that Xemnas knew something about it and that really bothered me. Maybe they just wanted to get out of this thing as soon as possible and if that's the case then that would mean that more than two people aren't enjoying themselves. I'd ask Rei how she got into this thing, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't get an answer.

Suddenly, I was wondering what the others were doing. I had no idea what Monika and Kiyoko would do here and who knows if Shujinkou is even here yet, which is ironic since he was the most excited to come here.

All of a sudden, Sayori started to shake my shoulder, telling me that it was time for me to get in the ring. I had mixed feelings about getting in the ring. I didn't want to do it but, at the same time, I didn't feel like losing on purpose either. The start of the match was exactly what I expected it to be: me getting knocked back and forth. I almost fell out of the ring more than once and I'm pretty sure that I didn't even get a chance to swing my weapon until half my opponents were gone.

Should I mention how weird it is that I'm swinging a giant key around as my weapon? It doesn't even look like a key; it just looks like the second part of its name. The only part that's key-like is the fact that a keychain is attached to it. But despite the initial weirdness, it was actually pretty fun using it. If I get into Kingdom Hearts, this may be my preferred Keyblade. It was also pretty satisfying to knock a bunch of people myself. Some of them were pretty easy and some of them were pretty hard, but in the end, I still ended up as the winner of my block.

Even if I was forced into this rumble, it felt great to win the thing. Unfortunately, that feeling didn't last the moment I realize the others found us while I was fighting. I sorta expected them to make fun of what I was wearing, but that didn't happen. Shujinkou even said that it looks really nice on me and that I look like a genuine Kingdom Hearts character. I... didn't really know how to respond that. It didn't annoy me; it actually kind of made me happy. Despite that, I quickly changed the subject to what happened to the Block A fight.

That's when Kiyoko revealed something that blew my mind then. Apparently, the reason the first fight went the way it did was because everyone involved in this thing was forced into and wanted to get it over with like I guessed. Not only that, but the reason why everyone was hand selected in the first place was because that Xemnas guy wanted to make sure no one he considered a threat was in it. There was two things I felt at that moment: 1.) Confusion over how Kiyoko knew any of this. What was she doing before she came here? 2.) ABSOLUTE FURY OVER THE FACT THAT NOT ONLY I WAS FORCED INTO THIS THING BUT ALSO BECAUSE SOMEONE THOUGHT I WAS EASY TO BEAT!

I came into this thing absolutely dreading it, but I quickly made it my mission to dethrone the current king and make him pay for looking down on me.

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