A Return to Form (Almost)

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It was almost time or rather it should have been time, but something had come up. Monika was asked to deliver a file to Fuyu and she did just that. After conversing with the the student president for a bit, Monika made her way to the clubroom.

The smile she had on her face could light up the entire school. It took a lot of effort and struggle, but the time finally came for a Literature Club meeting with everyone attending.

Well, almost everyone...

Still, Monika was happy that the others were there and was nearly giddy with excitement.

When she had finally arrived, she swung the door open. "Sorry, I'm late guys, I..."

A wave of atrophy hit her once she stepped through that door. What she had envisioned was the usual sight of everyone interacting as they went about their business.

What she found was the complete opposite — Everyone was lying on the ground, staring at the ceiling.

"Guys, what happened?" Closing the door behind her, Monika approached her fellow club members.

"Exam prep..." they each said this as if they just finished a lengthy marathon.

"Oh..." Monika had recalled her own experience of tedious amount of work foisted on her and lethargically joined the others on the floor. "They're steadily getting closer..."

"What are you depressed about? You know you're going to be fine," Natsuki pointed this out, stifling her envy.

"I don't know, I haven't really been studying as well as I could have been lately," Monika admitted.

"I think that's a problem that's afflicting all of us..." Yuri expressed this with a tired sigh.

"And catching up has been so hard with everything that's been happening..." Sayori added.

She then, along with Monika and Yuri, snuck a peek at Natsuki.

"Stop staring at me. I'm fine," Natsuki grumbled.

She had said this for the last two days, and it didn't look like her response would change anytime soon. They weren't sure if it was the truth but didn't want to pry.

Natsuki, throwing her hands up in frustration, sat up with a loud groan "You know what really makes me mad right now? How come we're on the floor like this and not on anything more comfortable?"

"Because the last occupant sold all the furniture provided for money," Monika replied.

"Oh right... The weird guy that kidnapped you... We have a budget, right? Why don't we buy something?"

"Because it wouldn't be right to buy stuff without discussing it with all club members," Sayori explained.

"Right..." Natsuki returned to having her back against the floor, belting out another sigh.

"I'd have to agree on the sentiment, however" Yuri spoke up. "My back isn't enjoying this..."

The others nodded their head in agreement. But there was nothing they could do. They had been dealt a bad hand and they had to accept it.

"Wait," Monika quickly sat up and turned to the others. "I think I may have a solution to our problem."


The abandoned school building that stood behind the school was once the main section of the school. It seemed like it would always serve that function until an incident occurred. While safe now, a chemical experiment that went wrong left the building unusable for a while.

Even after the new building was built, the intent was to still use the old building. However, plans for its use fell apart while trying to refurnish and the building was left alone.

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