Being Direct

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"You're going to use Natsuki's manga to get her to talk to you?"

Sayori looked down at the manga then at Shujinkou. She repeated this pattern three more times before finally keeping her surprised gaze squarely on her friend.

"That's pretty manipulative of you Shiko, using blackmail," she marveled.

"I-It's not blackmail. I'm just taking advantage of a moment where I have to return something that's hers," Shujinkou argued. "Besides, it's not like I'm holding it hostage until then; it's actually kind of a gamble. She could just take it and go, but this is the best chance I got right now."

"Um..." Sayori kept her eyes locked on Shujinkou's. It was the first time in the past few days where she saw any light in them. "And you said Yuri came up with the plan?"

Shujinkou nodded his head.


Though she looked perplexed on the outside, inside she felt something else entirely.

No! No! Sayori yelled in her shaking head. Gotta focus on Natsuki! Gotta... focus...

The room around her started spinning. It was like she was a top spinning at its highest possible speed and just like a top at the height of its speed, the loss of balance soon followed. And after the loss of balance was the ground waiting for a crash landing.


Shujinkou quickly reached out and grabbed Sayori by her wrist. He then effortlessly pulled her forward.

Uh oh.

Instead of helping Sayori back on her feet, Shujinkou's attempt to help ended up causing her fall to be redirected towards him.

With no time to brace for impact, the ensuing collision sent both of them careening towards his bed.

"Ow. Sorry Sayo-"

Slowly opening his eyes, Shujinkou quickly came to realize how close their faces were to each other. The face just above his was bright red and he could feel her breath caress his cheeks.


Sayori's lips noticeable trembled as she leaned forward, slowly closing the distance between them. But before Shujinkou could process what was happening, Sayori suddenly buried her face against his chest.


She rubbed her head against his chest then looked up at him with a cheery face.

"Isn't this how I usually fall on top of you when this happens? Face first around the chest or the neck. Happens so much that I can even tell how your heart beat's supposed to be."

"Doesn't that imply that we fall down a lot?" Shujinkou chuckled. "Actually, doesn't that imply that I'm constantly used as a cushion?"

"You make it sound like I'm constantly using you like that on purpose. I don't do that," Sayori pouted. "Besides, that wasn't what I was implying at all."

"What were you implying?"

"Mmm... Secret," Sayori said with a wry smile.

Shujinkou weakly chuckled at her response. "Now you're doing Monika's thing?"

"It keeps me from being predictable."

"Now you kinda sound like Mali. She likes to keep me on my toes too.

"Mali?" a curious look floated on Sayori's face. "You know, I'm really surprised that hasn't tried to join the club yet."


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