The Guilty Part 3

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"I guess I failed this gambit."

Monika's eyes were glued to her bedroom ceiling. It seemed like it was only moments ago they were painted with the dark shadows of the night. Now it was brightly lit by daylight.

Monika yawned softly as she sat up. Right now, she felt defeat on two levels: One regarding her inability to come up with a plan on how to confront her two wayward friends and the other due to sacrificing her sleep for nothing.

Even with Sayori's plan for Natsuki, the trouble is how can we even confront them? Given Yuri's reaction was much more intense than last time, I can only imagine it would be the same with Natsuki... That is, if I can even see her outside of school.

Monika shook her head, disillusioned by another obstacle with no ideas on how to resolve it.

"Maybe we need a fresh, outside perspective on all of this."

Taking a moment to appreciate the fact that it took her all night to reach that conclusion, Monika soon got dressed and started her trek to her first destination: Shujinkou's Home.


Monika waited anxiously for an answer to the doorbell. Being so close to the area where one of her closest friends rejected her appeal was more than a little nerve wracking for her, among other things.

She soon heard the clicking sounds of a lock and the door soon opened.

"Morning, Monika," Hisa greeted. "You're looking lovely as usual."

"Oh, thanks, Lady Hisa. Um..."

"Hiro's still asleep and Sayori's in Shujinkou's room."

"W-Wow... How'd you know that was what I was going to ask?"

"You learn to feel for these things and predict what others will say when you run a business like mine," Replying calmly, Hisa stood aside, allowing Monika to enter the residence. "I would be driven insane otherwise."

"Speaking of your business; how are things going there with you here?" Monika asked.

"Fine. Fine. You all should come up for another visit sometime after Christmas."

"Well... Here's hoping all of us can make it. Um... I'm going to go check up on Sayori now."

"Check away."

Monika turned and lightly jogged up the stairs. She didn't mean to sound pessimistic, but she was still struggling to find a surefire solution that would guarantee that scenario.

Once up top, she turned and made her way to Shujinkou's room.

The moment Monika stepped inside; she found a blanketed Sayori resting her head on Shujinkou's chest. Her face was flushed, and Monika could make out a few mumbled words as she approached them.

"-ko. Don't go..."


Monika gently placed her hand on Sayori's shoulder and just as gently shook her.


Sayori eyes slowly opened. Her head turned from side to side, scanning every inch of the room that entered her field of view. It was if she was lost and was trying to get her bearings.

She then looked up, her still groggy eyes locking on to the curious set Monika currently possessed.

"Monika? Is it tomorrow already?" Sayori yawned.

A knowing smile crossed Monika's face as she giggled. "Yep."

"What's so funny?"

"Well, I don't really find it funny, more so something that warms the heart."

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