Devil's Departure

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Halloween night. What was once a night that gave reverence to monsters and ghouls has become a night of dressing up as whatever and getting free candy. A night of tricks and treats.

Mali took a bite out of her recently obtained chocolate bar, her face lighting up with joy as it graced her tongue.

It's one of the changes I love! Besides, all the bad stuff now happens on the night before. Mischief night, or Devil's Night, is when the real monsters come out to play.

Mali continued to watch the Halloween festival from inside the abandoned school building. She personally had no interest in going, though she was quick to change her mind once she learned that Shujinkou was going.

She took another bite out of her chocolate bar before finally addressing the figure coming her way, "When all was said and done, Senpai saved the day, just like you insisted."

"You know that's not entirely true," the figure said as she took post beside Mali. "I insisted that it was his role, I didn't insist that Shujinkou win."

The young first-year student was still fascinated by the appearance of this person she had met only a couple of days ago. Looking at her was like looking into a mirror.

She could still remember what her first words were when they met, "Nice to meet you. I'm Malizia, but you can call me Mali."

"Then again, could you imagine the disaster that could be if Shujinkou actually failed in his duty?" Malizia giggled.

"Plus, how could Senpai lose when he had Mali with him?" Mali added.

Malizia paused and considered what her counterpart just said. "Shujinkou probably could have lost if he did what he did at the end earlier."

Extending her left hand out of the window, a large, rainbow colored lollipop soon came flying into the visitor's possession.

"By the way, Mali, what are you doing here alone?" Malizia questioned. "I'd figured you be down there doing more interesting stuff."

"Well, I promised Senpai I would stop playing pranks so..."

"I'm pretty sure that Shujinkou would have allowed to pull a few tricks on tonight of all nights."

"You would know, wouldn't you? I'm sure you got to know Senpai really well during your time together," Mali joshed.

"Maybe..." Malizia teased.

She took a few licks from her lollipop as she took in the sight of the none the wiser students beneath her.

"You know, I have to admit that I was pretty surprised when I came to this world, and not just because I ran into another version of myself so soon after I did so," Malizia suddenly said. "Considering I followed Shujinkou and Monika here after dealing with that other Monika, I expected something a little more. But instead, I find that this world is pretty... I don't know, it lacks a lot of the stuff in my world."

"Is that so?" Mali replied with curious look on her face.

Malizia nodded her head. "Mm-hmm. A lot of stuff back home would consider pure fantasy here and technology is woefully behind.

Then there's the fact that everyone here is human. I honestly found that a little disappointing at first until I found out the hilarity that comes with that fact."

"Oh," Mali's face lit up interest. "Like what?"

A solemn look crossed her counterpart's face.

"Back home, it's always been Humans vs. Monsters. There's been some highs and some lows, but the conflict has always been there on some level. But here, everyone's human, so you would think there would mostly be peace, right?

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