My Darling Little Boy II

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Nature vs. Nurture; a debate regarding whether a person's behavior is determined by their environments or they were always meant to behave that way. I always considered my problems to be a result of my upbringing. Isn't that what anyone blames their problems on?

And yet, this woman I was born to deliberately named me Akuma. If that wasn't the first sign of what was to come I don't what could be. I've always wondered if she considered that it was my nature to be this way when she named me. I never knew. I didn't want to know, but at the same time I tried to get the answer through other means. But I thought that perhaps for once I should just ask her straight out. She was sitting right in front of me after all, enjoying the dreadful atmosphere she was creating.

"Don't you think that's a bit harsh," she snickered.

Euezzi, the only woman I know of able to perfectly capture the laughter of a witch as her base laugh. I don't know how she followed me here to this hotel room after ambushing me at the airport, but it's far from the first time she's done something like this.

"You know, with the way you've been acting, I'm starting to think that you don't want me around." The horrid woman continued.

I couldn't put it off forever, I had to speak eventually.

"...I thought you were dead, Mother," I finally said.

"And I thought you were a respectable teacher. The world's funny sometimes."

I should have known she would have immediately used that against me. It was in her nature.


"My darling little boy, are you not happy to see your mother after so long?"

No. I didn't hesitate to answer straight away, but only in my head. For some unfathomable reason, I couldn't say it to her face.

"Your brother certainly would've given me a warmer reception that you have," she said in her usual mocking tone.

"What are you doing here, Mother?" I asked.

"I'm here because a mother always knows when their child is in trouble."

"So, you just came to see for yourself? Do you find this amusing?"

My mother smiled a knowing smile. "What was it you always said; 'I hate my name! I'm going to prove that you named me wrong!' And yet here you are, starting to lead the life you admonished your brother for living."

"That's not what I'm doing..."

"Oh, I'm sorry; being a wanted man is completely unlike him. What was the goal here anyway? What were your attempts to seduce high school student leading up to?"

I couldn't stand it anymore at that point. I refused to listen to her twist the knife even further at my current dilemma. I quickly grabbed my things and walked towards the exit. I could always find somewhere else to stay while I sort things out.

But as I left, she said something that made my blood run cold.

"Always running when confronted with the truth. You haven't changed one bit."

Even though it was her intention, those words haunted me even more than she could have possibly anticpated. I'm not running away, I'm just disappearing from the affected life...

I didn't have the time to let her words get to me however. Naturally, the rarity of that outcome could only mean something worse was about to happen. I only need my ears to realize that.

The sound of a metal hammer being held back made it clear what situation I walked into.

I looked over my shoulder and found myself in the sight lines of the authorities, clearly here to take me in. I should've gotten on that plane. Should've ignored my mother and just got on the plane. If I did that I wouldn't be in this situation.

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